Chapter 54 [XLVI.]—There is No Incompatibility Between Necessity and Free Will.
Now how does all this apply to our subject? Let us see what he makes out of it. “Whatever,” says he, “is fettered by natural necessity is deprived of determination of will and deliberation.” Well, now, here lies a question; for it is the height of absurdity for us to say that it does not belong to our will that we wish to be happy, on the ground that it is absolutely impossible for us to be unwilling to be happy, by reason of some indescribable but amiable coercion of our nature; nor dare we maintain that God has not the will but the necessity of righteousness, because He cannot will to sin.
54. Necessitas non pugnat cum arbitrio voluntatis. Sed quid ad nos? Videamus quid exinde contexat: «Voluntatis enim arbitrio,» inquit, «ac deliberatione privatur, quidquid naturali necessitate constringitur.» Et hic nonnulla quaestio est. Per enim absurdum est, ut ideo dicamus non pertinere ad voluntatem nostram quod beati esse volumus, quia id omnino nolle non possumus, nescio qua et bona constrictione naturae: nec dicere audemus, ideo Deum non voluntatem, sed necessitatem habere justitiae, quia non potest velle peccare.