Chapter 54 [XXI.]—Beginning and End of Faith is of God.
Therefore that this opinion, which is unpleasing to God, and hostile to those gratuitous benefits of God whereby we are delivered, may be destroyed, I maintain that both the beginning of faith and the perseverance therein, even to the end, are, according to the Scriptures—of which I have already quoted many—God’s gifts. Because if we say that the beginning of faith is of ourselves, so that by it we deserve to receive other gifts of God, the Pelagians conclude that God’s grace is given according to our merits. And this the catholic faith held in such dread, that Pelagius himself, in fear of condemnation, condemned it. And, moreover, if we say that our perseverance is of ourselves, not of God, they answer that we have the beginning of our faith of ourselves in such wise as the end, thus arguing that we have that beginning of ourselves much more, if of ourselves we have the continuance unto the end, since to perfect is much greater than to begin; and thus repeatedly they conclude that the grace of God is given according to our merits. But if both are God’s gifts, and God foreknew that He would give these His gifts (and who can deny this?), predestination must be preached,—that God’s true grace, that is, the grace which is not given according to our merits, may be maintained with insuperable defence.
54. Haec ergo ut ingrata Deo sententia destruatur, gratuitis Dei beneficiis quibus liberamur 1027 inimica, et initium fidei, et in ea usque in finem perseverantiam secundum Scripturas, unde jam multa diximus, dona Dei esse defendimus. Quoniam si a nobis esse dicimus initium fidei, ut eo caetera Dei dona mereamur accipere; concludunt Pelagiani, gratiam Dei secundum merita nostra dari. Quod ita exhorruit catholica fides, ut damnari timens, hoc Pelagius ipse damnaverit. Itemque si dicimus a nobis esse perseverantiam nostram, non a Domino; respondent illi, ita nos a nobis habere initium fidei, sicut finem, sic argumentantes, multo magis nos habere a nobis illud initium, si a nobis habemus permanere usque in finem, cum perficere quam inchoare sit majus: ac sic identidem concludunt, gratiam Dei secundum merita nostra dari. Si autem utrumque Dei donum est, et haec Deus dona sua (quod negare quis potest?) daturum se esse praescivit; praedestinatio praedicanda est, ut possit vera Dei gratia, hoc est, quae non secundum merita nostra datur, insuperabili munitione defendi.