[XXXIII.] But I could not help feeling annoyance that he can appear to have defended sundry sentences of Cœlestius, which, from the Proceedings, it is clear enough that he anathematized. Now, some of these he disavowed for himself, simply remarking, that “he was not in any way responsible for them.” In his paper, however, he refused to anathematize these same opinions, which are to this effect: “That Adam was created mortal, and that he would have died whether he had sinned or not sinned. That Adam’s sin injured only himself, and not the human race. That the law, no less than the gospel, leads us to the kingdom. That new-born infants are in the same condition that Adam was before he fell. That, on the one hand, the entire human race does not die owing to Adam’s death and transgression; nor, on the other hand, does the whole human race rise again through the resurrection of Christ. That infants, even if they die unbaptized, have eternal life. That rich men, even if they are baptized, unless they renounce and give up all, have, whatever good they may seem to have done, nothing of it reckoned to them; neither shall they possess the kingdom of heaven.” Now, in his paper, the answer which he gives to all this is: “All these statements have not been made by me, even on their own testimony, nor do I hold myself responsible for them.” In the Proceedings, however, he expressed himself as follows on these points: “They have not been made by me, as even their testimony shows, and for them I do not feel that I am at all responsible. But yet, for the satisfaction of the holy synod, I anathematize those who either now hold, or have ever held, them.” Now, why did he not express himself thus in his paper also? It would not, I suppose, have cost much ink, or writing, or delay; nor have occupied much of the paper itself, if he had done this. Who, however, can help believing that there is a purpose in all this, to pass off this paper in all directions as an abridgment of the Episcopal Proceedings. In consequence of which, men might think that his right still to maintain any of these opinions which he pleased had not been taken away,—on the ground that they had been simply laid to his charge but had not received his approbation, nor yet had been anathematized and condemned by him.
Moleste autem ferebam, quod aliquarum sententiarum Coelestii, quas cum gestis anathematizasse perspicuum est, servasse sibi defensionem, 0353 potest videri. Nam earum quasdam suas negavit esse, dicens tantummodo, «pro eis non se debere satisfactionem:» anathematizare autem in eadem chartula noluit, quae istae sunt: «Adam mortalem esse factum, qui sive peccaret, sive non peccaret, esset moriturus. Quod peccatum Adae solum ipsum nocuerit et non genus humanum. Quod lex sic mittat ad regnum coelorum, quemadmodum et Evangelium. Quod infantes nuper nati in illo statu sint, in quo fuit Adam ante praevaricationem. Quod neque per mortem vel praevaricationem Adae omne genus humanum moriatur, neque per resurrectionem Christi omne gemus humanum resurgat. Infantes, etiamsi non baptizentur, habere vitam aeternam. Divites baptizatos, nisi omnibus abrenuntiaverint, si quid boni videntur facere, non illis reputari, neque habituros illos regnum coelorum» . Ad ista quippe in chartula illa ita respondit: «Haec omnia secundum ipsorum testimonium a me dicta non sunt, nec pro eis debeo satisfactionem.» In gestis autem ad cadem ipsa ita locutus est: «Secundum ipsorum testimonium a me dicta non sunt, pro quibus ego satisfacere non debeo; sed tamen ad satisfactionem sanctae Synodi anathematizo eos qui sic tenent, aut aliquando tenuerunt.» Cur ergo non ita et in illa chartula scriptum est? Non multum, ut opinor, atramenti, nec litterarum, nec morae, nec ipsius chartulae, si ita fieret, impenderetur. Sed quis non credat id fuisse procuratum, ut tanquam pro gestorum illorum breviatione, ista charta usquequaque discurreret ? ubi putaretur, non esse ablatam quamlibet earum sententiarum defendendi licentiam, quod ei tantummodo objectae, nec ejus probatae fuissent, non tamen anathematizatae atque damnatae.