Chapter 60.—The Application to the Church in General.
Moreover, what follows where it is said, “But yet if any of you are not yet called, whom by his grace He has predestinated to be called, you shall receive that grace whereby you shall will to be, and be, elected,” is said more hardly than it could be said if we consider that we are speaking not to men in general, but to the Church of Christ. For why is it not rather said thus: “And if any of you are not yet called, let us pray for them that they may be called. For perchance they are so predestinated as to be granted to our prayers, and to receive that grace whereby they may will, and be made elected”? For God, who fulfilled all that He predestinated, has willed us also to pray for the enemies of the faith, that we might hence understand that He Himself also gives to the unbelievers the gift of faith, and makes willing men out of those that were unwilling.
60. Item quod sequitur, et dicitur, «Verumtamen si qui estis nondum vocati, quos gratia sua praedestinaverit eligendos, accipietis eamdem gratiam, qua velitis et sitis electi:» durius dicitur quam dici potest, si nos non quibuslibet hominibus loqui, sed Christi Ecclesiae cogitemus. Cur enim non potius ita dicitur: Et si qui sunt nondum vocati, pro eis ut vocentur oremus? Fortassis enim sic praedestinati sunt, ut nostris orationibus concedantur, et accipiant eamdem gratiam, qua velint atque efficiantur electi. Deus enim qui omnia quae praedestinavit implevit, ideo et pro inimicis fidei orare nos voluit; ut 1030 hinc intelligeremus, quod ipse etiam infidelibus donet ut credant, et volentes ex nolentibus faciat.