Chapter 1 [I.]—Statement.
There still follow things which they calumniously object to us; they do not yet begin to work out those things which they themselves think. But lest the prolixity of these writings should be an offence, I have divided those matters which they object into two Books,—the former of which being completed, which is the Second Book of this entire work, I am here commencing the other, and joining it as the Third to the First and Second.
1. Exordium. Adhuc ea sequuntur quae calumniose nobis objiciunt: nondum ea quae ipsi sentiunt pertexere incipiunt. Sed ne prolixitas voluminum offenderet, haec ipsa quae objiciunt in duos libros partiti sumus; quorum superiore finito, qui totius hujus operis liber secundus est, hinc ordimur alterum, et eum tertium primo secundoque conjungimus.