Chapter 10.—The Old Law Also Given by God.
And it is for this reason that God made the old testament, because it pleased God to veil the heavenly promises in earthly promises, as if established in reward, until the fulness of time; and to give to a people which longed for earthly blessings, and therefore had a hard heart, a law, which, although spiritual, was yet written on tables of stone. Because, with the exception of the sacraments of the old books, which were only enjoined for the sake of their significance (although in them also, since they are to be spiritually understood, the law is rightly called spiritual), the other matters certainly which pertain to piety and to good living must not be referred by any interpretation to some significancy,193 [i.e., they must not be treated allegorically, as if their literal sense was not important, and they were given only to teach something symbolically or typically.—W.] but are to be done absolutely as they are spoken. Assuredly no one will doubt that that law of God was necessary not alone for that people at that time, but also is now necessary for us for the right ordering of our life. For if Christ took away from us that very heavy yoke of many observances, so that we are not circumcised according to the flesh, we do not immolate victims of the cattle, we do not rest even from necessary works on the Sabbath, retaining the seventh in the revolution of the days, and other things of this kind; but keep them as spiritually understood, and, the symbolizing shadows being removed, are watchful in the light of those things which are signified by them; shall we therefore say, that when it is written that whoever finds another man’s property of any kind that has been lost, should return it to him who has lost it,194 Lev. vi. 3. it does not pertain to us? and many other like things whereby people learn to live piously and uprightly? and especially the Decalogue itself, which is contained in those two tables of stone, apart from the carnal observance of the Sabbath, which signifies spiritual sanctification and rest? For who can say that Christians ought not to be observant to serve the one God with religious obedience, not to worship an idol, not to take the name of the Lord in vain, to honour one’s parents, not to commit adulteries, murders, thefts, false witness, not to covet another man’s wife, or anything at all that belongs to another man? Who is so impious as to say that he does not keep those precepts of the law because he is a Christian, and is established not under the law, but under grace?
10. Et vetus igitur Testamentum Deus condidit: quia Deo placuit, usque ad plenitudinem temporis promissis terrenis tanquam in praemio constitutis promissa velare coelestia; et populo terrenis bonis inhianti, et propterea durum cor habenti, quamvis spiritualem, tamen in tabulis lapideis legem dare. Exceptis quippe Librorum veterum sacramentis, quae sola significandi ratione praecepta sunt (quanquam et in eis, quoniam spiritualiter intelligenda sunt, recte lex dicitur spiritualis); caetera certe quae ad pietatem bonosque mores pertinentia, non ad aliquam significationem ulla interpretatione referenda, sed prorsus ut sunt dicta, facienda sunt: profecto illam Dei legem, non solum illi tunc populo, verum etiam nunc nobis ad instituendam recte vitam necessariam nemo dubitaverit. Si enim Christus nobis abstulit illud gravissimum multarum observationum jugum, ne carnaliter circumcidamur, ne pecorum victimas immolemus, ne sabbato septeno dierum volumine redeunte ab operibus etiam necessariis quiescamus, et caetera hujusmodi, sed ea spiritualiter intellecta teneamus, remotisque umbris significantibus in rerum ipsarum quae significantur luce vigilemus: numquid propterea dicturi sumus, non ad nos pertinere quod scriptum est, ut alienum quodcumque perditum quisquis invenerit, reddat ei qui perdidit (Levit. VI, 3, 4); et alia multa similia, quibus pie recteque vivere discitur, maximeque ipsum Decalogum, qui duabus illis lapideis tabulis continetur, excepta sabbati observatione carnali, quae spiritualem sanctificationem quietemque significat? Quis enim dicat non debere observare Christianos, ut uni Deo religionis obsequio serviatur, ut idolum non colatur, ut nomen Domini non accipiatur in vanum, ut parentes honorentur, ne adulteria, homicidia, furta, falsa testimonia perpetrentur, ne uxor, ne omnino res ulla concupiscatur aliena (Exod. XX)? Quis est tam impius, qui dicat ideo se ista legis non custodire praecepta, quia est ipse christianus, nec sub lege, sed sub gratia constitutus?