Chapter 17 [VII.]—Of the Praise of the Saints.
In that, indeed, in the praise of the saints, they will not drive us with the zeal of that publican308 Luke xviii. 10–14. to hunger and thirst after righteousness, but with the vanity of the Pharisees, as it were, to overflow with sufficiency and fulness; what does it profit them that—in opposition to the Manicheans, who do away with baptism—they say “that men are perfectly renewed by baptism,” and apply the apostle’s testimony for this,—“who testifies that, by the washing of water, the Church is made holy and spotless from the Gentiles,”309 Eph. v. 26.—when, with a proud and perverse meaning, they put forth their arguments in opposition to the prayers of the Church itself. For they say this in order that the Church may be believed after holy baptism—in which is accomplished the forgiveness of all sins—to have no further sin; when, in opposition to them, from the rising of the sun even to its setting, in all its members it cries to God, “Forgive us our debts.”310 Matt. vi. 12. But if they are interrogated regarding themselves in this matter, they find not what to answer. For if they should say that they have no sin, John answers them, that they deceive themselves, and the truth is not in them.311 1 John i. 8. But if they confess their sins, since they wish themselves to be members of Christ’s body, how will that body, that is, the Church, be even in this time perfectly, as they think, without spot or wrinkle, if its members without falsehood confess themselves to have sins? Wherefore in baptism all sins are forgiven, and, by that very washing of water in the word, the Church is set forth in Christ without spot or wrinkle;312 Eph. v. 27. and unless it were baptized, it would fruitlessly say, “Forgive us our debts,” until it be brought to glory, when there is in it absolutely no spot or wrinkle.313 See On the Perfection of Man’s Righteousness, 35, and On the Proceedings of Pelagius, 27.
17. De laude sanctorum. Ecclesia hujus temporis non est sine macula et ruga. Insidiae Pelagianorum. Quod vero laude sanctorum, nolunt nos affectu illius Publicani esurire et sitire justitiam, sed vanitate illius Pharisaei tanquam saturatos plenosque ructare (Luc. XVIII, 10-14); quid eis prodest quod adversus Manichaeos, qui Baptisma destruunt, isti dicunt, «Baptismo perfecte homines innovari,» atque ad hoc Apostoli adhibent testimonium, «qui per lavacrum aquae Ecclesiam de gentibus sanctam fieri immaculatamque testatur» (Ephes. V, 26); cum superbo sensu atque perverso contra orationes ipsius 0622 Ecclesiae suas exserant disputationes? Hoc enim propterea dicunt, ut credatur Ecclesia post sanctum Baptismum, in quo fit omnium remissio peccatorum, ulterius non habere peccatum: cum adversus eos illa a solis ortu usque ad occasum omnibus suis membris clamet ad Deum, Dimitte nobis debita nostra (Matth. VI, 12). Quid, quod etiam de se ipsis in hac causa si interrogentur, quid respondeant non inveniunt? Si enim dixerint se non habere peccatum: respondet eis Joannes, quod se ipsos decipiant, et veritas in eis non sit (I Joan. I, 8). Si autem confitentur peccata sua; cum se velint esse Christi corporis membra, quomodo erit illud corpus, id est Ecclesia, in isto adhuc tempore perfecte , sicut isti sapiunt, sine macula et ruga, cujus membra non mendaciter confitentur se habere peccata? Quapropter et in Baptismate dimittuntur cuncta peccata, et per ipsum lavacrum aquae in verbo exhibetur Christo Ecclesia sine macula et ruga (Ephes. V, 27). Quia nisi esset baptizata, infructuose diceret, Dimitte nobis debita nostra: donec perducatur ad gloriam, ubi ei perfectius nulla insit macula et ruga.