Council of Constance

 SESSION 1 - 16 November 1414

 SESSION 2 - 2 March 1415

 SESSION 3 - 26 March 1415

 SESSION 4 - 30 March 1415

 SESSION 5 - 6 April 1415

 SESSION 6 - 17 April 1415

 SESSION 7 - 2 May 1415

 SESSION 8 - 4 May 1415

 SESSION 9 - 13 May 1415

 SESSION 10 - 14 May 1415

 SESSION 11 - 25 May 1415

 SESSION 12 - 29 May 1415

 SESSION 13 - 15 June 1415

 SESSION 14 - 4 July 1415

 SESSION 15 - 6 July 1415

 SESSION 16 - 11 July 1415

 SESSION 17 - 15 July 1415

 SESSION 18 - 17 August 1415

 SESSION 19 - 23 September 1415

 SESSION 20 - 21 November 1415

 SESSION 21 - 30 May 1416

 SESSION 22 - 15 October 1416

 SESSION 23 - 5 November 1416

 SESSION 24 - 28 November 1416

 SESSION 25 - 14 December 1416

 SESSION 26 - 24 December 1416

 SESSION 27 - 20 February 1417

 SESSION 28 - 3 March 1417

 SESSION 29 - 8 March 1417

 SESSION 30 - 10 March 1417

 SESSION 31 - 31 March 1417

 SESSION 32 - 1 April 1417

 SESSION 33 - 12 May 1417

 SESSION 34 - 5 June 1417

 SESSION 35 - 18 June 1417

 SESSION 36 - 22 July 1417

 SESSION 37 - 26 July 1417

 SESSION 38 - 28 July 1417

 SESSION 39 - 9 October 1417

SESSION 4 - 30 March 1415

[Decrees of the council on its authority and integrity, in the abbreviated form read out by cardinal Zabarella]

In the name of the holy and undivided Trinity, Father and Son and holy Spirit Amen. This holy synod of Constance, which is a general council, for the eradication of the present schism and for bringing unity and reform to God's church in head and members, legitimately assembled in the holy Spirit to the praise of almighty God, ordains, defines, decrees, discerns and declares as follows, in order that this union and reform of God's church may be obtained the more easily, securely, fruitfully and freely.

First, that this synod, legitimately assembled in the holy Spirit, constituting a general council, representing the catholic church militant, has power immediately from Christ, and that everyone of whatever state or dignity, even papal, is bound to obey it in those matters which pertain to the faith and the eradication of the said schism. [19 ]

Next, that our most holy lord pope John XXIII may not move or transfer the Roman curia and its public offices, or its or their officials, from this city to another place, nor directly or indirectly compel the persons of the said offices to follow him, without the deliberation and consent of the same holy synod; this refers to those officials or offices by whose absence the council would probably be dissolved or harmed. If he has acted to the contrary in the past, or shall in the future, or if he has in the past, is now or shall in the future fulminate any processes or mandates or ecclesiastical censures or any other penalties against the said officials or any other adherents of this council, to the effect that they should follow him then all is null and void and in no way are the said processes, censures and penalties to be obeyed, inasmuch as they are null and void, and they are invalid. The said officials are rather to exercise their offices in the said city of Constance, and to carry them out freely as before, as long as this holy synod is being held in the said city.

Next, that all translations of prelates, and depositions of the same, or of any other beneficed persons, revocations of commendams and gifts, admonitions, ecclesiastical censures, processes, sentences, acts and whatever has been or will be done or accomplished by our aforesaid lord and his officials or commissaries, from the time of his departure, to the injury of the council or its adherents, against the supporters or participants of this sacred council, or to the prejudice of them or any one of them, in whatever way they may have been or shall be made or done, against the will of the persons concerned, are in virtue of the law itself null, quashed, invalid and void, and of no effect or moment, and the council by its authority quashes, invalidates and annuls them.

[Next, it was declared and decided that three persons should be chosen from each nation who know both the reasons of those wishing to depart and the punishments that ought to be inflicted on those departing without permission. [20 ]]

Next, that for the sake of unity new cardinals should not be created. Moreover, lest for reasons of deceit or fraud some persons may be said to have been made cardinals recently, this sacred council declares that those persons are not to be regarded as cardinals who were not publicly recognised and held to be such at the time of our lord pope's departure from the city of Constance.