Council of Constance

 SESSION 1 - 16 November 1414

 SESSION 2 - 2 March 1415

 SESSION 3 - 26 March 1415

 SESSION 4 - 30 March 1415

 SESSION 5 - 6 April 1415

 SESSION 6 - 17 April 1415

 SESSION 7 - 2 May 1415

 SESSION 8 - 4 May 1415

 SESSION 9 - 13 May 1415

 SESSION 10 - 14 May 1415

 SESSION 11 - 25 May 1415

 SESSION 12 - 29 May 1415

 SESSION 13 - 15 June 1415

 SESSION 14 - 4 July 1415

 SESSION 15 - 6 July 1415

 SESSION 16 - 11 July 1415

 SESSION 17 - 15 July 1415

 SESSION 18 - 17 August 1415

 SESSION 19 - 23 September 1415

 SESSION 20 - 21 November 1415

 SESSION 21 - 30 May 1416

 SESSION 22 - 15 October 1416

 SESSION 23 - 5 November 1416

 SESSION 24 - 28 November 1416

 SESSION 25 - 14 December 1416

 SESSION 26 - 24 December 1416

 SESSION 27 - 20 February 1417

 SESSION 28 - 3 March 1417

 SESSION 29 - 8 March 1417

 SESSION 30 - 10 March 1417

 SESSION 31 - 31 March 1417

 SESSION 32 - 1 April 1417

 SESSION 33 - 12 May 1417

 SESSION 34 - 5 June 1417

 SESSION 35 - 18 June 1417

 SESSION 36 - 22 July 1417

 SESSION 37 - 26 July 1417

 SESSION 38 - 28 July 1417

 SESSION 39 - 9 October 1417

SESSION 13 - 15 June 1415

[Condemnation of communion under both kinds, recently revived among the Bohemians by Jakoubek of Stribro]

In the name of the holy and undivided Trinity, Father and Son and holy Spirit, Amen. Certain people, in some parts of the world, have rashly dared to assert that the christian people ought to receive the holy sacrament of the eucharist under the forms of both bread and wine. They communicate the laity everywhere not only under the form of bread but also under that of wine, and they stubbornly assert that they should communicate even after a meal, or else without the need of a fast, contrary to the church's custom which has been laudably and sensibly approved, from the church's head downwards, but which they damnably try to repudiate as sacrilegious. Therefore this present general council of Constance, legitimately assembled in the holy Spirit, wishing to provide for the safety of the faithful against this error, after long deliberation by many persons learned in divine and human law, declares, decrees and defines that, although Christ instituted this venerable sacrament after a meal and ministered it to his apostles under the forms of both bread and wine, nevertheless and notwithstanding this, the praiseworthy authority of the sacred canons and the approved custom of the church have and do retain that this sacrament ought not to be celebrated after a meal nor received by the faithful without fasting, except in cases of sickness or some other necessity as permitted by law or by the church. Moreover, just as this custom was sensibly introduced in order to avoid various dangers and scandals, so with similar or even greater reason was it possible to introduce and sensibly observe the custom that, although this sacrament was received by the faithful under both kinds in the early church, nevertheless later it was received under both kinds only by those confecting it, and by the laity only under the form of bread. For it should be very firmly believed, and in no way doubted, that the whole body and blood of Christ are truly contained under both the form of bread and the form of wine. Therefore, since this custom was introduced for good reasons by the church and holy fathers, and has been observed for a very long time, it should be held as a law which nobody may repudiate or alter at will without the church's permission. To say that the observance of this custom or law is sacrilegious or illicit must be regarded as erroneous. Those who stubbornly assert the opposite of the aforesaid are to be confined as heretics and severely punished by the local bishops or their officials or the inquisitors of heresy in the kingdoms or provinces in which anything is attempted or presumed against this decree, according to the canonical and legitimate sanctions that have been wisely established in favour of the catholic faith against heretics and their supporters.

[That no priest, under pain of excommunication, may communicate the people under the forms of both bread and wine]

This holy synod also decrees and declares, regarding this matter, that instructions are to be sent to the most reverend fathers and lords in Christ, patriarchs, primates, archbishops, bishops, and their vicars in spirituals, wherever they may be, in which they are to be commissioned and ordered on the authority of this sacred council and under pain of excommunication, to punish effectively those who err against this decree. They may receive back into the church's fold those who have gone astray by communicating the people under the forms of both bread and wine, and have taught this, provided they repent and after a salutary penance, in accordance with the measure of their fault, has been enjoined upon them. They are to repress as heretics, however, by means of the church's censures and even if necessary by calling in the help of the secular arm, those of them whose hearts have become hardened and who are unwilling to return to penance.


From this point on the council becomes a duly convened ecumenical council, all previous sessions being ultra-vires.