4. Quanquam subtilissime quaeratur utrum cum abest voluntas fallendi, absit omnino mendacium.
12. Thus has the question been on both sides considered and treated; and still it is not easy to pass sentence: but we must further lend diligent hearing to those who say, that no deed is so evil, but that in avoidance of a worse it ought to be done; moreover that the deeds of men include not only what they do, but whatever they consent to be done unto them. Wherefore, if cause have arisen that a Christian man should choose to burn incense to idols, that he might not consent to bodily defilement which the persecutor threatened him withal, unless he should do so, they think they have a right to ask why he should not also tell a lie to escape so foul a disgrace. For the consent itself to endure violation of the person rather than to burn incense to idols, this, they say, is not a passive thing, but a deed; which rather than do, he chose to burn incense. How much more readily then would he have chosen a lie, if by a lie he might ward off from a holy body so shocking a disgrace?
12. Mendacium censent quidam adhibendum quo removeat homo stuprum quod ipse ab alio pateretur. Refellitur argumentum illorum, et exemplum. Aliena peccata non ei imputanda qui illa posset leviore suo peccato impedire. Peccantibus non consentire qui eos non vult peccando cohibere. Vitare peccatum quisque debet levius potius quod suum, quam quod gravius alienum. Annon mentiendum ut vitetur immunditia corporalis. Mendacia quae alios laedunt, non admittenda ut immunditia corporalis vitetur. Sic ista quaestione ex utraque parte considerata atque tractata, non tamen facile ferenda sententia est: sed adhuc diligenter audiendi qui dicunt, nullum esse tam malum factum, quod non in pejoris devitatione faciendum sit; pertinere autem ad facta hominum, non solum quidquid faciunt, sed quidquid etiam cum consensione patiuntur. Unde si exstitit causa ut eligeret christianus thurificare idolis, ne consentiret stupro quod persecutor ei, nisi faceret, minabatur; recte videntur quaerere cur non etiam mentiretur, ut tantam illam turpitudinem devitaret. Ipsam enim consensionem, qua se stuprum pati mallet, quam thurificare idolis, non passionem dicunt esse, sed factum: quod ne faceret, elegit thurificare. Quanto igitur mendacium proclivius elegisset, si mendacio posset a sancto corpore tam immane flagitium removere?