35. Ego, inquit, lux in saeculum veni, ut omnis qui crediderit in me, non maneat in tenebris
Chapter 17.—Whom Sinners Imitate.
“For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of righteousness shall reign in life by one, even Jesus Christ.”52 Rom. v. 17. Why did death reign on account of the sin of one, unless it was that men were bound by the chain of death in that one man in whom all men sinned, even though they added no sins of their own? Otherwise it was not on account of the sin of one that death reigned through one; rather it was on account of the manifold offences of many, [operating] through each individual sinner. For if the reason why men have died for the transgression of another be, that they have imitated him by following him as their predecessor in transgression, it must even result, and that “much more,” that that one died on account of the transgression of another, whom the devil so preceded in transgression as himself to persuade him to commit the transgression. Adam, however, used no influence to persuade his followers; and the many who are said to have imitated him have, in fact, either not heard of his existence at all or of his having committed any such sin as is ascribed to him, or altogether disbelieve it. How much more correctly, therefore, as I have already remarked,53 See above, ch. 9. would the apostle have set forth the devil as the author, from which “one” he would say that sin and death had passed upon all, if he had in this passage meant to speak, not of propagation, but of imitation? For there is much stronger reason for saying that Adam is an imitator of the devil, since he had in him an actual instigator to sin; if one may be an imitator even of him who has never used any such persuasion, or of whom he is absolutely ignorant. But what is implied in the clause, “They which receive abundance of grace and righteousness,” but that the grace of remission is given not only to that sin in which all have sinned, but to those offences likewise which men have actually committed besides; and that on these [men] so great a righteousness is freely bestowed, that, although Adam gave way to him who persuaded him to sin, they do not yield even to the coercion of the same tempter? Again, what mean the words, “Much more shall they reign in life,” when the fact is, that the reign of death drags many more down to eternal punishment, unless we understand those to be really mentioned in both clauses, who pass from Adam to Christ, in other words, from death to life; because in the life eternal they shall reign without end, and thus exceed the reign of death which has prevailed within them only temporarily and with a termination?
17. Si enim ob unius delictum mors regnavit per unum, multo magis qui abundantiam gratiae et justitiae accipiunt, in vita regnabunt per unum Jesum Christum. Cur ob unius delictum mors regnavit per unum, nisi quia mortis vinculo tenebantur in illo uno in quo omnes peccaverunt, etiamsi propria peccata non adderent? Alioquin non ob unius delictum mors per unum regnavit, sed ob delicta multa multorum per unumquemque peccantem. Nam si propterea caeteri ob alterius hominis delictum mortui sunt, quia illum in delinquendo praecedentem subsequentes imitati sunt: ille quoque et multo magis ob alterius delictum mortuus est, quem diabolus delinquendo ita praecesserat, ut ei delictum etiam ipse suaderet: Adam vero nihil suasit imitatoribus suis; et multi qui ejus imitatores dicuntur, eum fuisse et tale aliquid commisisse vel non audierunt, vel omnino non credunt. Quanto ergo rectius, sicut jam dixi, diabolum principem constituisset Apostolus, a quo uno peccatum et mortem per omnes transiisse diceret, si hoc loco non propagationem, sed imitationem dicere voluisset? Multo enim rationabilius Adam dicitur imitator diaboli, quem suasorem habuit peccati, si potest quisquam imitari etiam illum qui nihil tale suasit, vel omnino quem nescit. Quid est autem, qui abundantiam gratiae et justitiae accipiunt, nisi quod non ei tantum peccato in quo omnes peccaverunt, sed eis etiam quae addiderunt, gratia remissionis datur; eisque hominibus tanta justitia donatur, ut cum Adam consenserit ad peccatum suadenti, non cedant isti etiam cogenti? Et quid est, multo magis in vita regnabunt, cum mortis regnum multo plures in aeternam poenam trahat; nisi intelligamus eos ipsos in utroque dici qui transeunt ab Adam ad Christum, id est, a morte ad vitam, quia in vita aeterna sine fine regnabunt, magis quam in eis mors temporaliter et cum fine regnavit?