0593 2. Sed cum haec ita sint, quomodo huic opinioni contrarium non sit, quod dicit Apostolus, Omnes enim astabimus ante tribunal Christi, ut ferat un

 3. Poterat inquisitioni tuae sufficere mea brevis ista responsio sed quae alia moveant, quibus respondendum existimo, parumper attende. In Machabaeor

 4. «At enim in tanta, inquam, strage cadaverum nec sepeliri potuerunt? Neque istud pia fides nimium reformidat, tenens praedictum, nec absumentes best











 15. Huic rei simile est etiam illud, cum homines altius quam si dormirent, subtrahuntur corporis sensibus, et occupantur talibus visis. Et his enim ap

 16. Cur non istas operationes angelicas credimus , per dispensationem providentiae Dei bene utentis et bonis et malis, secundum inscrutabilem altitudi




 20. Quanquam ista quaestio vires intelligentiae meae vincit, quemadmodum opitulentur martyres iis quos per eos certum est adjuvari utrum ipsi per se



 23. Habes ad ea quae a me putasti esse quaerenda, qualem potui reddere responsionem meam: quae si ultra quam satis est prolixa est, da veniam id enim

22. Which things being so, let us not think that to the dead for whom we have a care, any thing reaches save what by sacrifices either of the altar, or of prayers, or of alms, we solemnly supplicate: although not to all for whom they are done be they profitable, but to them only by whom while they live it is obtained that they should be profitable. But forasmuch as we discern not who these be, it is meet to do them for all regenerate persons, that none of them may be passed by to whom these benefits may and ought to reach. For better it is that these things shall be superfluously done to them whom they neither hinder nor help, than lacking to them whom they help. More diligently however doth each man these things for his own near and dear friends, in order that they may be likewise done unto him by his. But as for the burying of the body, whatever is bestowed on that, is no aid of salvation, but an office of humanity, according to that affection by which “no man ever hateth his own flesh.”68    Eph. v. 29 Whence it is fitting that he take69    Gerat what care he is able for the flesh of his neighbor, when he is gone that bare70    Gerebat. it. And if they do these things who believe not the resurrection of the flesh, how much more are they beholden to do the same who do believe; that so, an office of this kind bestowed upon a body, dead but yet to rise again and to remain to eternity, may also be in some sort a testimony of the same faith? But, that a person is buried at the memorials of the Martyrs, this, I think, so far profits the departed, that while commending him also to the Martyrs’ patronage, the affection of supplication on his behalf is increased.


22. Obsequia solemnia defunctorum, altaris, orationum et eleemosynarum sacrificia. Sepulturae officium. Quae cum ita sint, non existimemus ad mortuos, pro quibus curam gerimus, pervenire, nisi quod pro eis sive altaris, sive orationum, sive eleemosynarum sacrificiis solemniter supplicamus: quamvis non pro quibus fiunt omnibus prosint, sed iis tantum quibus dum vivunt comparatur ut prosint. Sed quia non discernimus qui sint, oportet ea pro regeneratis omnibus facere, ut nullus eorum praetermittatur, ad quos haec beneficia possint et debeant pervenire. Melius enim supererunt ista eis quibus nec obsunt nec prosunt, quam eis deerunt quibus prosunt. Diligentius tamen facit haec quisque pro necessariis suis, quo pro illo fiant similiter a suis. Corpori autem humando quidquid impenditur, non est praesidium salutis, sed humanitatis officium, secundum affectum quo nemo unquam carnem suam odio habet (Ephes. V, 29). Unde oportet ut quam potest pro carne proximi curam gerat, cum ille inde recesserit qui gerebat . 0610 Et si haec faciunt qui carnis resurrectionem non credunt, quanto magis debent facere qui credunt, ut corpori mortuo, sed tamen resurrecturo et in aeternitatem mansuro impensum ejusmodi officium, sit etiam quodammodo ejusdem fidei testimonium? Quod vero quisque apud memorias martyrum sepelitur, hoc tantum mihi videtur prodesse defuncto, ut commendans eum etiam martyrum patrocinio, affectus pro illo supplicationis augeatur.