0593 2. Sed cum haec ita sint, quomodo huic opinioni contrarium non sit, quod dicit Apostolus, Omnes enim astabimus ante tribunal Christi, ut ferat un

 3. Poterat inquisitioni tuae sufficere mea brevis ista responsio sed quae alia moveant, quibus respondendum existimo, parumper attende. In Machabaeor

 4. «At enim in tanta, inquam, strage cadaverum nec sepeliri potuerunt? Neque istud pia fides nimium reformidat, tenens praedictum, nec absumentes best











 15. Huic rei simile est etiam illud, cum homines altius quam si dormirent, subtrahuntur corporis sensibus, et occupantur talibus visis. Et his enim ap

 16. Cur non istas operationes angelicas credimus , per dispensationem providentiae Dei bene utentis et bonis et malis, secundum inscrutabilem altitudi




 20. Quanquam ista quaestio vires intelligentiae meae vincit, quemadmodum opitulentur martyres iis quos per eos certum est adjuvari utrum ipsi per se



 23. Habes ad ea quae a me putasti esse quaerenda, qualem potui reddere responsionem meam: quae si ultra quam satis est prolixa est, da veniam id enim

11. In regard to that woful compassion which I have mentioned, are those praised, and by king David blessed, who to the dry bones of Saul and Jonathan afforded mercy of sepulture.28    2 Sam. ii. 5 But yet what mercy is that, which is afforded to them that have feeling of nothing? Or haply is this to be challenged back to that conceit of an infernal river which men unburied were not able to pass over? Far be this from the faith of Christians: else hath it gone most ill with so great a multitude of Martyrs, for whom there could be no burying of their bodies, and Truth did cheat them when It said, “Fear not them which kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do,”29    Luke xii. 4 if these have been able to do to them so great evils, by which they were hindered to pass over to the places which they longed for. But, because this without all doubt is most false, and it neither any whit hurts the faithful to have their bodies denied sepulture, nor any whit the giving of sepulture unto infidels advantageth them; why then are those who buried Saul and his son said to have done mercy, and for this are blessed by that godly king, but because it is a good affection with which the hearts of the pitiful are touched, when they grieve for that in the dead bodies of other men, which, by that affection through which no man ever hateth his own flesh, they would not have done after their own death to their own bodies; and what they would have done by them when they shall have no more feeling, that they take care to do by others now having no feeling while themselves have yet feeling?


11. Officium sepulturae cur laudatum in Scripturis. Secundum istam quam dixi miseram compassionem laudantur illi, et a rege David benedicuntur, qui Saülis et Jonathae ossibus aridis sepulturae misericordiam praestiterunt (II Reg. II, 5). Quae tandem misericordia praestatur nihil sentientibus? An forte hoc revocandum est ad illam opinionem, quod infernum fluvium in epulti non poterant transmeare (Aeneid. lib. 6, VV. 327, 328)? Absit hoc a fide christiana: alioquin pessime actum est cum tanta martyrum multitudine, quorum non potuerunt corpora sepeliri, et fallaciter eis Veritas dixit, Nolite timere eos qui corpus occidunt, et postea non habent quid faciant; si eis tanta mala facere potuerunt, quibus impedirentur ad loca exoptata transire. Sed quia hoc sine ulla dubitatione falsissimum est, nec aliquid obest fidelibus negata eorum corporibus sepultura, nec aliquid si exhibeatur infidelibus prodest: cur ergo illi qui Saülem et filium ejus sepelierunt, misericordiam fecisse dicuntur, et ob hoc a rege pio benedicuntur; nisi quia bene afficiuntur corda miserantium, quando ea dolent in mortuorum corporibus alienis, quae illo affectu, quo nemo unquam carnem suam odio habet, nolunt fieri post mortem suam corporibus suis; et quod sibi exhiberi volunt quando sensuri non sunt, aliis non sentientibus curant exhibere dum ipsi sentiunt?