0593 2. Sed cum haec ita sint, quomodo huic opinioni contrarium non sit, quod dicit Apostolus, Omnes enim astabimus ante tribunal Christi, ut ferat un

 3. Poterat inquisitioni tuae sufficere mea brevis ista responsio sed quae alia moveant, quibus respondendum existimo, parumper attende. In Machabaeor

 4. «At enim in tanta, inquam, strage cadaverum nec sepeliri potuerunt? Neque istud pia fides nimium reformidat, tenens praedictum, nec absumentes best











 15. Huic rei simile est etiam illud, cum homines altius quam si dormirent, subtrahuntur corporis sensibus, et occupantur talibus visis. Et his enim ap

 16. Cur non istas operationes angelicas credimus , per dispensationem providentiae Dei bene utentis et bonis et malis, secundum inscrutabilem altitudi




 20. Quanquam ista quaestio vires intelligentiae meae vincit, quemadmodum opitulentur martyres iis quos per eos certum est adjuvari utrum ipsi per se



 23. Habes ad ea quae a me putasti esse quaerenda, qualem potui reddere responsionem meam: quae si ultra quam satis est prolixa est, da veniam id enim

17. Some man may say: “If there be not in the dead any care for the living, how is it that the rich man, who was tormented in hell, asked father Abraham to send Lazarus to his five brothers not as yet dead, and to take course with them, that they should not come themselves also into the same place of torments?”43    Luke xvi. 24–29 But does it follow, that because the rich man said this, he knew what his brethren were doing, or what they were suffering at that time? Just in that same way had he care for the living, albeit what they were doing he wist not at all, as we have care for the dead, albeit what they do we confessedly wot not. For if we cared not for the dead, we should not, as we do, supplicate God on their behalf. In fine, Abraham did not send Lazarus, and also answered, that they have here Moses and the Prophets, whom they ought to hear that they might not come to those torments. Where again it occurs to ask, how it was that what was doing here, father Abraham himself wist not, while he knew that Moses and the Prophets are here, that is, their books, by obeying which men should escape the torments of hell: and knew, in short, that rich man to have lived in delights, but the poor man Lazarus to have lived in labors and sorrows? For this also he says to him; “Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime hast received good things, but Lazarus evil things.” He knew then these things which had taken place of course among the living, not among the dead. True, but it may be that, not while the things were doing in their lifetime, but after their death, he learned these things, by information of Lazarus: that it be not false which the Prophet saith, “Abraham hath not known us.”44    Is. lxiii. 16


17. Objectio adversus superiora. Dixerit aliquis: Si nulla est mortuis cura de vivis, quomodo ille dives qui apud inferos torquebatur, rogabat Abraham patrem, ut mitteret Lazarum ad quinque fratres suos nondum mortuos, et ageret cum eis ne venirent et ipsi in eumdem tormentorum locum? Sed numquid quia hoc ille dives dixit, ideo quid fratres agerent vel quid paterentur illo tempore, scivit? Ita illi fuit cura de vivis, quamvis quid agerent omnino nesciret; quemadmodum est nobis cura de mortuis, quamvis quid agant utique nesciamus. Nam si nihil de mortuis curaremus, non utique pro illis Deo supplicaremus. Denique Abraham nec Lazarum misit, et Moysen ac Prophetas hic eos habere respondit, quos audire deberent, ut ad illa supplicia non venirent. Ubi rursus occurrit quomodo quid hic ageretur Abraham pater ipse nesciebat, ubi sciebat esse Moysen et Prophetas, id est, libros eorum, quibus homines obediendo tormenta inferna evitarent: ubi denique noverat divitem illum in deliciis, pauperem vero Lazarum in laboribus doloribusque vixisse. Nam et hoc illi ait: Memento, fili, quia percepisti bona in vita tua, Lazarus autem mala. Sciebat ergo haec, quae utique apud vivos, non apud mortuos gesta fuerant. Verum non cum agerentur in vivis, sed eis mortuis potuit Lazaro indicante cognoscere, ne falsum sit quod ait propheta, Abraham nescivit nos.