0593 2. Sed cum haec ita sint, quomodo huic opinioni contrarium non sit, quod dicit Apostolus, Omnes enim astabimus ante tribunal Christi, ut ferat un

 3. Poterat inquisitioni tuae sufficere mea brevis ista responsio sed quae alia moveant, quibus respondendum existimo, parumper attende. In Machabaeor

 4. «At enim in tanta, inquam, strage cadaverum nec sepeliri potuerunt? Neque istud pia fides nimium reformidat, tenens praedictum, nec absumentes best











 15. Huic rei simile est etiam illud, cum homines altius quam si dormirent, subtrahuntur corporis sensibus, et occupantur talibus visis. Et his enim ap

 16. Cur non istas operationes angelicas credimus , per dispensationem providentiae Dei bene utentis et bonis et malis, secundum inscrutabilem altitudi




 20. Quanquam ista quaestio vires intelligentiae meae vincit, quemadmodum opitulentur martyres iis quos per eos certum est adjuvari utrum ipsi per se



 23. Habes ad ea quae a me putasti esse quaerenda, qualem potui reddere responsionem meam: quae si ultra quam satis est prolixa est, da veniam id enim

18. So then we must confess that the dead indeed do not know what is doing here, but while it is in doing here: afterwards, however, they hear it from those who from hence go to them at their death; not indeed every thing, but what things those are allowed to make known who are suffered also to remember these things; and which it is meet for those to hear, whom they inform of the same. It may be also, that from the Angels, who are present in the things which are doing here, the dead do hear somewhat, which for each one of them to hear He judgeth right to Whom all things are subject. For were there not Angels, who could be present in places both of quick and dead, the Lord Jesus had not said, “It came to pass also that the poor man died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom.”45    Luke xvi. 22 Therefore, now here, now there, were they able to be, who from hence bore thither whom God willed. It may be also, that the spirits of the dead do learn some things which are doing here, what things it is necessary that they should know, and what persons it is necessary should know the same, not only things past or present, but even future, by the Spirit of God revealing them: like as not all men, but the Prophets while they lived here did know, nor even they all things, but only what things to be revealed to them the providence of God judged meet. Moreover, that some from the dead are sent to the living, as, on the other hand, Paul from the living was rapt into Paradise, divine Scripture doth testify.46    2 Cor. xii. 4 For Samuel the Prophet, appearing to Saul when living, predicted even what should befall the king:47    1 Sam. xxviii. 11–19 although some think it was not Samuel himself, that could have been by magical arts evoked, but that some spirit, meet for so evil works, did figure his semblance:48    Quæst. ad Simplicianum, lib. ii. qu. 4. though the book Ecclesiasticus, which Jesus, son of Sirach, is reputed to have written, and which on account of some resemblance of style is pronounced to be Solomon’s,49    Retract. ii. 4, and “On Christian Doctrine,” book ii. chap. viii., vol. ii. p. 539. Ben. ed. contains in the praise of the Fathers, that Samuel even when dead did prophesy. But if this book be spoken against from the canon of the Hebrews,50    Ecclus. xlvi. 20 (because it is not contained therein,) what shall we say of Moses, whom certainly we read both in Deuteronomy to have died,51    Deut. xxxiv. 5 and in the Gospel to have, together with Elias who died not, appeared unto the living?52    Matt. xvii. 3


18. Mortui quomodo sciant quid hic agatur. Proinde fatendum est nescire quidem mortuos quid hic agatur, sed dum hic agitur: postea vero audire ab eis qui hinc ad eos moriendo pergunt; non quidem omnia, sed quae sinuntur indicare, qui sinuntur etiam ista meminisse; et quae illos, quibus haec indicant, oportet audire. Possunt et ab Angelis, qui rebus quae aguntur hic, praesto sunt, audire aliquid mortui, quod unumquemque illorum audire debere 0606 judicat cui cuncta subjecta sunt. Nisi enim essent Angeli qui possent interesse et vivorum et mortuorum locis, non dixisset Dominus Jesus: Contigit autem mori inopem illum, et auferri ab Angelis in sinum Abrahae (Luc. XVI, 22-29). Nunc ergo hic, nunc ibi esse potuerunt, qui hinc illuc quem Deus voluit abstulerunt. Possunt etiam spiritus mortuorum aliqua quae hic aguntur quae necessarium est eos nosse, et quos necessarium est ea nosse , non solum praeterita vel praesentia, verum etiam futura Spiritu Dei revelante cognoscere: sicut non omnes homines, sed Prophetae dum hic viverent cognoscebant, nec ipsi omnia, sed quae illis esse revelanda Dei providentia judicabat. Mitti quoque ad vivos aliquos ex mortuis, sicut e contrario Paulus ex vivis in paradisum raptus est, divina Scriptura testatur (II Cor. XII, 2). Nam Samuel propheta defunctus vivo Saüli etiam regi futura praedixit (I Reg. XXVIII, 7 19): quamvis nonnulli non ipsum fuisse qui potuisset magicis artibus evocari, sed aliquem spiritum tam malis operibus congruentem illius existiment similitudinem figurasse : cum liber Ecclesiasticus, quem Jesus filius Sirach scripsisse traditur, et propter eloquii nonnullam similitudinem Salomonis pronuntiatur , contineat in laude patrum, quod Samuel etiam mortuus prophetaverit (Eccli. XLVI, 23). Sed si huic libro ex Hebraeorum (quia in eorum non est) canone contradicitur; quid de Moyse dicturi sumus, qui certe et in Deuteronomio mortuus (Deut. XXXIV, 5), et in Evangelio cum Elia, qui mortuus non est, legitur apparuisse viventibus (Matth. XVII, 3)?