4. Quanquam subtilissime quaeratur utrum cum abest voluntas fallendi, absit omnino mendacium.
33. But, like as it is asked of what mouth the Scripture saith, “The mouth that lieth, slayeth the soul,” so it may be asked, of what lie. For it seems to speak of that lie in particular, which consists in detraction. It says, “Keep yourselves from murmuring, which profiteth nothing, and from detraction refrain your tongue.” Now this detraction takes place through malevolence, when any man not only with mouth and voice of the body doth utter what he forgeth against any, but even without speaking wisheth him to be thought such; which is in truth to detract with the mouth of the heart; which thing, it saith, cannot be obscure and hidden from God.
33. Sicut autem quaeritur de quo ore dixerit, Os autem quod mentitur, occidit animam; ita quaeri potest, de quo mendacio. Videtur enim de illo proprie dicere, quo cuiquam detrahitur. Ait enim: Abstinete ergo vos a murmuratione, quae nihil prodest, et a detractione linguae parcite. Fit autem ista detractio per malevolentiam, cum quisquam non solum ore ac voce corporis profert quod confingit in aliquem, sed etiam tacitus talem vult credi; quod est utique ore cordis detrahere: quod dicit obscurum et occultum Deo esse non posse.