Chapter 36.—Even Now While We Still Have Concupiscence We May Be Safe in Christ.
But the apostle pursues the subject, and says, “So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin;”127 Rom. vii. 25. which must be thus understood: “With my mind I serve the law of God,” by refusing my consent to the law of sin; “with my flesh, however,” I serve “the law of sin,” by having the desires of sin, from which I am not yet entirely freed, although I yield them no assent. Then let us observe carefully what he has said after all the above: “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.”128 Rom. viii. 1. Even now, says he, when the law in my members keeps up its warfare against the law of my mind, and retains in captivity somewhat in the body of this death, there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. And listen why: “For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus,” says he, “hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”129 Rom. viii. 2. How made me free, except by abolishing its sentence of guilt by the remission of all my sins; so that, though it still remains, only daily lessening more and more, it is nevertheless not imputed to me as sin?
36. Subjungit autem Apostolus, et dicit: Igitur ego ipse mente servio legi Dei, carne autem legi peccati. Quod sic intelligendum est: mente servio legi Dei, non consentiendo legi peccati; carne autem servio legi peccati, habendo desideria peccati, quibus etsi non consentio, nondum tamen penitus careo. Denique quid post haec intulerit, attendamus: Nulla ergo, inquit, condemnatio est nunc his qui sunt in Christo Jesu. Etiam nunc, inquit, quando lex in membris repugnat legi mentis, et captivum aliquid tenet in corpore mortis hujus, nulla condemnatio est iis qui sunt in Christo Jesu. Audi quare: Lex enim spiritus vitae, inquit, 0434 in Christo Jesu liberavit me a lege peccati et mortis (Rom. VII, 15-VIII, 2). Liberavit, quomodo, nisi quia ejus reatum peccatorum omnium remissione dissolvit, ut quamvis adhuc maneat, et de die in diem magis magisque minuatur, in peccatum tamen non imputetur?