Chapter 5.—The Same Continued.
He then returns142 See The Unfinished Work, i. 64. to our words, which were quoted before: “We maintain that they who are born of such a union contract original sin; and we do not deny that, of whatever parents they are born, they are still under the devil’s dominion unless they be born again in Christ.” Why he should again refer to these words of ours I cannot tell; he had already cited them a little before. He then proceeds to quote what we said of Christ: “Who willed not to be born from the same union of the two sexes.” But here again he quietly ignored the words which I placed just previous to these words; my entire sentence being this: “That by His grace they may be removed from the power of darkness, and translated into the kingdom of Him who willed not to be born from the same union of the two sexes.” Observe, I pray you, what my words were which he shunned, in the temper of one who is thoroughly opposed to that grace of God which comes through our “Lord Jesus Christ.” He knows well enough that it is the height of improbity and impiety to exclude infants from their interest in the apostle’s words, where he said of God the Father: “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of His dear son.”143 Col. i. 13. This, no doubt, is the reason why he preferred to omit rather than quote these words.
5. Deinde ad nostra superiora verba revertitur, quae nescio cur repetat: «Eos autem qui de tali commixtione nascuntur, dicimus trahere originale peccatum; eosque, de parentibus qualibuscumque nascantur, non negamus adhuc esse sub diabolo, nisi renascantur in Christo.» Haec verba nostra et paulo ante jam dixerat. Deinde subjungit quod de Christo diximus, «Qui de eadem sexus utriusque commixtione nasci noluit.» Sed etiam hic praetermisit quod ego posui, «Ut per ejus gratiam de potestate eruti tenebrarum, in regnum illius, qui ex eadem sexus utriusque commixtione nasci noluit, transferantur.» Vide, obsecro te, quae nostra verba vitavit, tanquam inimicus omnino gratiae Dei, quae venit per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum. Scit enim ab illa Apostoli sententia, qua dixit de Deo Patre, Qui eruit nos de potestate tenebrarum, et transtulit in regnum Filii charitatis suae (Coloss. I, 13), improbissime et impiissime parvulos separari: ideo procul dubio verba ista praetermittere quam ponere maluit.