Chapter 10 [IV.]—In What Manner the Adversary’s Cavils Must Be Refuted.
Let us now look at the rest of what he has joined together in his selections. But what should be my course of proceeding? Ought I to set forth every passage of his for the purpose of answering it, or, omitting everything which the catholic faith contains, as not in dispute between us, only handle and confute those statements in which he strays away from the beaten path of truth, and endeavours to graft on catholic stems the poisonous shoots of his Pelagian heresy? This is, no doubt, the easier course. But I suppose I must not lose sight of a possible contingency, that any one, after reading my book, without perusing all that has been alleged by him, may think that I was unwilling to bring forward the passages on which his allegations depend, and by which are shown to be truly deduced the statements which I am controverting as false. I should be glad, therefore, if the reader will without exception kindly observe and consider the two classes of contributions which occur in this little work of ours—that is to say, all that he has alleged, and the answers which on my side I give him.
10. Videamus et caetera quae connectit. Sed quid faciam? utrum singula ejus proponam, quibus respondeam; an eis praetermissis quae catholica fides continet, ea sola pertractem atque confutem, in quibus a tramite veritatis exorbitat, et haeresim Pelagianam, tanquam venenosa virgulta, fruticibus catholicis conatur inserere? Hoc quidem certe brevius est: sed prospiciendum arbitror, ne quisquam libro meo lecto, et non lectis omnibus quae ab illo dicta sunt, existimet ea me proponere noluisse, ex quibus ista ejus pendent, et ex quibus quasi consequenter vera esse monstrantur, quae falsa redarguo. Non itaque pigeat utraque huic opusculo nostro indita, et ea scilicet quae ille dixit, et ea quae ipse respondeo, universa attendere et considerare lectorem.