35. Ego, inquit, lux in saeculum veni, ut omnis qui crediderit in me, non maneat in tenebris
Chapter 56.—No One is Reconciled to God Except Through Christ.
Taking into account all the inspired statements which I have quoted,—whether I regard the value of each passage one by one, or combine their united testimony in an accumulated witness or even include similar passages which I have not adduced,—there can be nothing discovered, but that which the catholic Church holds, in her dutiful vigilance against all profane novelties: that every man is separated from God, except those who are reconciled to God through Christ the Mediator; and that no one can be separated from God, except by sins, which alone cause separation; that there is, therefore, no reconciliation except by the remission of sins, through the one grace of the most merciful Saviour,—through the one sacrifice of the most veritable Priest; and that none who are born of the woman, that trusted the serpent and so was corrupted through desire,200 Gen. iii. 6. are delivered from the body of this death, except by the Son of the virgin who believed the angel and so conceived without desire.201 Luke i. 38.
56. Consideratis autem omnibus divinis testimoniis quae commemoravi, sive singillatim de unoquoque disputans, sive acervatim multa congestans, vel quaecumque similia non commemoravi; nihil invenitur nisi quod universa Ecclesia tenet, quae adversus omnes profanas novitates vigilare debet, omnem hominem separari a Deo, nisi qui per mediatorem Christum reconciliatur Deo, nec separari quemquam nisi peccatis intercludentibus posse. Non ergo reconciliari nisi peccatorum remissione, per unam gratiam misericordissimi Salvatoris, per unam victimam verissimi Sacerdotis: ac sic omnes filios mulieris, quae serpenti credidit, ut libidine corrumperetur (Gen. III, 1-6), non liberari a corpore mortis hujus, nisi per Filium Virginis, quae angelo credidit, ut sine libidine fetaretur (Luc. I, 26-38).