35. Ego, inquit, lux in saeculum veni, ut omnis qui crediderit in me, non maneat in tenebris
Chapter 67 [XXXVI.]—On the Ignorance of Infants, and Whence It Arises.
Yes, let us consider that darkness of their rational intellect, by reason of which they are even completely ignorant of God, whose sacraments they actually struggle against, while being baptized. Now my inquiry is, When and whence came they to be immersed in this darkness? Is it then the fact that they incurred it all here, and in this their own proper life forgat God through too much negligence, after a life of wisdom and religion in their mother’s womb? Let those say so who dare; let them listen to it who wish to; let them believe it who can. I, however, am sure that none whose minds are not blinded by an obstinate adherence to a foregone conclusion can possibly entertain such an opinion. Is there then no evil in ignorance,—nothing which needs to be purged away? What means that prayer “Remember not the sins of my youth and of my ignorance?”230 Ps. xxiv. 7. For although those sins are more to be condemned which are knowingly committed, yet if there were no sins of ignorance, we should not have read in Scripture what I have quoted, “Remember not the sins of my youth and of my ignorance.” Seeing now that the soul of an infant fresh from its mother’s womb is still the soul of a human being,—nay, the soul of a rational creature,—not only untaught, but even incapable of instruction, I ask why, or when, or whence, it was plunged into that thick darkness of ignorance in which it lies? If it is man’s nature thus to begin, and that nature is not already corrupt, then why was not Adam created thus? Why was he capable of receiving a commandment? and able to give names to his wife, and to all the animal creation? For of her he said, “She shall be called Woman;”231 Gen. ii. 23. and in respect of the rest we read: “Whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.”232 Gen. ii. 19. Whereas this one, although he is ignorant where he is, what he is, by whom created, of what parents born, is already guilty of offence, incapable as yet of receiving a commandment, and so completely involved and overwhelmed in a thick cloud of ignorance, that he cannot be aroused out of his sleep, so as to recognize even these facts; but a time must be patiently awaited, until he can shake off this strange intoxication, as it were, (not indeed in a single night, as even the heaviest drunkenness usually can be, but) little by little, through many months, and even years; and until this be accomplished, we have to bear in little children so many things which we punish in older persons, that we cannot enumerate them. Now, as touching this enormous evil of ignorance and weakness, if in this present life infants have contracted it as soon as they were born, where, when, how, have they by the perpetration of some great iniquity become suddenly implicated in such darkness?
67. De infantium ignorantia, et unde sit. Illas, inquam, consideremus tenebras mentis utique rationalis, in quibus et Deum prorsus ignorant, cujus Sacramentis etiam cum baptizantur obsistunt: in has quaero unde et quando submersi sint. Itane vero eas hic contraxerunt, et in hac vita sua jam propria per nimiam negligentiam obliti sunt Deum, prudentes vero et religiosi vixerunt vel in uteris matrum? Dicant ista qui ausi fuerint, audiant qui voluerint, credant qui potuerint: ego autem puto, quod omnes quorum mentes non obnubilat defendendae suae sententiae pervicacia, haec sentire non possunt. An nullum est ignorantiae malum, et ideo 0149 nec purgandum? Et quid agit illa vox, Delicta juventutis et ignorantiae meae ne memineris (Psal. XXIV, 7)? Etsi enim damnabiliora peccata sunt, quae ab scientibus committuntur: tamen si ignorantiae peccata nulla essent, hoc non legeremus quod commemoravi, Delicta juventutis et ignorantiae meae ne memineris. In illas igitur ignorantiae densissimas tenebras, ubi anima infantis recentis ab utero, utique anima hominis, utique anima rationalis, non solum indocta, verum etiam indocilis jacet, quare, aut quando, aut unde contrusa est? Si natura est hominis sic incipere, et non jam vitiosa est ista natura; cur non talis creatus est Adam? Cur ille capax praecepti, et valens uxori et omnibus animalibus nomina imponere? Nam et de illa dixit, Haec vocabitur mulier; et, Quodcumque vocavit Adam animam vivam, hoc est nomen ejus (Gen. II, 23, 19). Iste autem nesciens ubi sit, quid sit, a quo creatus, a quibus genitus sit, jam reus delicti, nondum capax praecepti, tam profunda ignorantiae caligine involutus et pressus, ut neque tanquam de somno excitari possit, ut haec saltem demonstrata cognoscat; sed exspectetur tempus, quo hanc nescio quam velut ebrietatem, non per unam noctem, sicut quaelibet gravissima solet, sed per aliquot menses atque annos paulatim digerat: quod donec fiat, tam multa quae in majoribus punimus, toleramus in parvulis, ut numerari omnino non possint: hoc tam magnum ignorantiae atque infirmitatis malum, si in hac vita jam nati parvuli contraxerunt , ubi, quando, quomodo magna aliqua impietate commissa repente tantis tenebris involuti sunt?