35. Ego, inquit, lux in saeculum veni, ut omnis qui crediderit in me, non maneat in tenebris
Chapter 1 [I.]—What Has Thus Far Been Dwelt On; And What is to Be Treated in This Book.
We have, my dearest Marcellinus, discussed at sufficient length, I think, in the former book the baptism of infants,—how that it is given to them not only for entrance into the kingdom of God, but also for attaining salvation and eternal life, which none can have without the kingdom of God, or without that union with the Saviour Christ, wherein He has redeemed us by His blood. I undertake in the present book to discuss and explain the question, Whether there lives in this world, or has yet lived, or ever will live, any one without any sin whatever, except “the one Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all;”237 1 Tim. ii. 5, 6.—with as much care and ability as He may Himself vouchsafe to me. And should there occasionally arise in this discussion, either inevitably or casually from the argument, any question about the baptism or the sin of infants, I must neither be surprised nor must I shrink from giving the best answer I can, at such emergencies, to whatever point challenges my attention.
1. Quid hactenus peractum, quidve hoc libro tractandum. De Baptismo parvulorum, Marcelline charissime, quod non solum eis ad regnum Dei, verum etiam ad salutem vitamque aeternam adipiscendam detur, quam sine Dei regno, et sine Christi salvatoris societate, in quam nos suo sanguine redemit, habere nullus potest, priore libro satis, ut arbitror, disputavimus. In hoc autem, vivatne aliquis in hoc saeculo, vel vixerit, victurusve sit sine ullo omnino peccato, excepto uno Mediatore Dei et hominum homine Christo Jesu, qui dedit semetipsum redemptionem pro omnibus (I Tim. II, 5, 6), quanta ipse donat diligentia vel facultate, disserendum enodandumque suscepi: cui disputationi si se identidem aliqua necessitate vel opportunitate inseruerit quaestio de Baptismo vel peccato parvulorum, mirandum non erit, nec defugiendum ut eis locis ad omnia quae responsionem nostram flagitant, sicut valemus respondeamus.