35. Ego, inquit, lux in saeculum veni, ut omnis qui crediderit in me, non maneat in tenebris
Chapter 21 [XIV.]—All Righteous Men Sinners.
In like manner, all who are described in the Scriptures as exhibiting in their present life good will and the actions of righteousness, and all who have lived like them since, although lacking the same testimony of Scripture; or all who are even now so living, or shall hereafter so live: all these are great, they are all righteous, and they are all really worthy of praise,—yet they are by no means without sin: inasmuch as, on the authority of the same Scriptures which make us believe in their virtues, we believe also that in “God’s sight no man living is justified,”336 Ps. cxliii. 2. whence all ask that He will “not enter into judgment with His servants:”337 Ps. cxliii. 2. and that not only to all the faithful in general, but to each of them in particular, the Lord’s Prayer is necessary, which He delivered to His disciples.338 Matt. vi. 12; Luke xi. 4.
21. Sic itaque omnes, quicumque in hac vita divinarum Scripturarum testimoniis in bona voluntate atque actibus justitiae praedicati sunt, et quicumque tales vel post eos fuerunt, quamvis non eisdem testimoniis praedicati atque laudati, vel nunc usque etiam sunt, vel postea quoque futuri sunt; omnes magni, omnes justi, omnes veraciter laudabiles sunt, sed sine peccato aliquo non sunt: quoniam Scripturarum testimoniis, quibus de illorum laudibus credimus, hoc etiam credimus, non justificari in conspectu Dei omnem viventem; ideo rogari, ne intret in judicium cum servis suis; et non tantum universaliter fidelibus omnibus, verum etiam singulis esse orationem dominicam necessariam, quam tradidit discipulis suis.