Chapter 60.—Let Not the Pelagians Indulge Themselves in a Cruel Defence of Infants.
As I said, however, let him entertain what views he likes of this lust; let him proclaim it as he pleases, praise it as much as he chooses (and he pleases much, as several of his extracts show), that the Pelagians may gratify themselves, if not with its uses, at all events with its praises, as many of them as fail to enjoy the limitation of continence enjoined in wedlock. Only let him spare the infants, so as not to praise their condition uselessly, and defend them cruelly. Let him not declare them to be safe; let him suffer them to come, not, indeed, to Pelagius for eulogy, but to Christ for salvation. For, that this book may be now brought to a termination, since the dissertation of this man is ended, which was written on the short paper you sent me, I will close with his last words: “Really believe that all things were made by Jesus Christ, and that without Him nothing was made.”279 John i. 3. Let him grant that Jesus is Jesus even to infants; and as he confesses that all things were made by Him, in that He is God the Word, so let him acknowledge that infants, too, are saved by Him in that He is Jesus; let him, I say, do this if he would be a catholic Christian. For thus it is written in the Gospel: “And they shall call His name Jesus; for He shall save His people from their sins”280 Matt. i. 21.—Jesus, because Jesus is in Latin Salvator, “Saviour.” He shall, indeed, save His people; and amongst His people surely there are infants. “From their sins” shall He save them; in infants, too, therefore, are there original sins, on account of which He can be Jesus, that is, Saviour, even unto them.
60. Sed, ut dixi, sentiat de ista libidine iste quod libet, praedicet ut libet, laudet quantum libet (sicut enim multis locis significat, multum libet), ut ejus si non usibus, saltem laudibus Pelagiani oblectentur, quicumque eorum proposito continentiae carnali conjugio non fruuntur : tantum parvulis parcat, ut non eos laudet inutiliter, defendatque crudeliter; salvos esse non dicat; non ad laudatorem Pelagium, 0473 sed ad salvatorem Christum venire permittat. Nam ut jam liber iste claudatur, quoniam ita sermo illius terminatus est, qui in chartula quam misisti, scriptus est, ut diceret, Vere credito quia per Jesum facta sunt omnia, et sine ipso factum est nihil; concedat Jesum etiam parvulis esse Jesum: et ut per eum facta omnia fatetur per id quod est Verbum Deus; ita etiam parvulos ab eo salvos fieri fateatur per id quod est Jesus, si vult catholicus esse Christianus. Sic enim 0474 scriptum est in Evangelio, Et vocabunt nomen ejus Jesum; ipse enim salvum faciet populum suum a peccatis eorum (Matth. I, 21). Ideo ergo Jesum, quoniam Jesus latine Salvator est. Ipse enim salvum faciet populum suum, in quo populo sunt utique et parvuli. Salvum autem faciet a peccatis eorum: sunt ergo et in parvulis peccata originalia, propter quae Jesus, id est, Salvator possit esse et ipsorum.