35. Ego, inquit, lux in saeculum veni, ut omnis qui crediderit in me, non maneat in tenebris
Chapter 47 [XXIX.]—All the Predestinated are Saved Through the One Mediator Christ, and by One and the Same Faith.
This being the case, ever since the time when by one man sin thus entered into this world and death by sin, and so it passed through to all men, up to the end of this carnal generation and perishing world, the children of which beget and are begotten, there never has existed, nor ever will exist, a human being of whom, placed in this life of ours, it could be said that he had no sin at all, with the exception of the one Mediator, who reconciles us to our Maker through the forgiveness of sins. Now this same Lord of ours has never yet refused, at any period of the human race, nor to the last judgment will He ever refuse, this His healing to those whom, in His most sure foreknowledge and future loving-kindness, He has predestinated to reign with Himself to life eternal. For, previous to His birth in the flesh, and weakness in suffering, and power in His own resurrection, He instructed all who then lived, in the faith of those then future blessings, that they might inherit everlasting life; whilst those who were alive when all these things were being accomplished in Christ, and who were witnessing the fulfilment of prophecy, He instructed in the faith of these then present blessings; whilst again, those who have since lived, and ourselves who are now alive, and all those who are yet to live, He does not cease to instruct, in the faith of these now past blessings. It is therefore “one faith” which saves all, who after their carnal birth are born again of the Spirit, and it terminates in Him, who came to be judged for us and to die,—the Judge of quick and dead. But the sacraments of this “one faith” are varied from time to time in order to its suitable signification.
47. Omnes praedestinati per unum mediatorem Christum et per unam eamdemque fidem salvantur. Parvulorum quoque salvator Christus. Christus etiam infans ignorantia caruit et animi infirmitate. Quae cum ita sint, ex quo per unum hominem peccatum intravit in hunc mundum, et per peccatum mors, et ita in omnes homines pertransiit (Rom. V, 12), usque in finem carnalis hujus generationis et corruptibilis saeculi, cujus filii generant et generantur, nullo existente homine de quo in hac vita constituto veraciter dici possit, quod nullum habeat omnino peccatum, excepto uno Mediatore, qui nos Creatori nostro per remissionem reconciliat peccatorum: idem ipse Dominus noster hanc suam medelam nullis generis humani temporibus ante ultimum futurum adhuc judicium denegavit eis, quos per certissimam praescientiam et futuram beneficentiam secum regnaturos in vitam praedestinavit aeternam. Namque ante nativitatem carnis infirmitatemque passionis et virtutem resurrectionis suae, earum rerum futurarum fide eos qui tunc fuerant, informabat ad haereditatem salutis aeternae; quarum rerum praesentium fide informavit eos qui cum gererentur aderant, atque impleri praedicta cernebant; quarum etiam praeteritarum fide qui postea fuerunt, et nos ipsos, et qui deinde futuri sunt, informare non cessat. Una ergo fides est quae omnes salvos facit, qui ex carnali generatione spiritualiter renascuntur , terminata in eo qui venit pro nobis judicari et mori, judex vivorum et mortuorum. Sed hujus unius fidei pro significationis opportunitate per varia tempora sacramenta variata sunt.