35. Ego, inquit, lux in saeculum veni, ut omnis qui crediderit in me, non maneat in tenebris
Chapter 15 [VIII.]—We All Sinned Adam’s Sin.
“It is,” they say, “by no means conceded that God who remits to a man his own sins imputes to him another’s.” He remits, indeed, but it is to those regenerated by the Spirit, not to those generated by the flesh; but He imputes to a man no longer the sins of another, but only his own. They were no doubt the sins of another, whilst as yet they were not in existence who bore them when propagated; but now the sins belong to them by carnal generation, to whom they have not yet been remitted by spiritual regeneration.
15. Unde errores. Similitudo a praeputio circumcisorum, et palea frumenti petita.---Nulla, inquiunt, ratione conceditur, ut Deus qui propria peccata remittit, imputet aliena. Remittit, sed spiritu regeneratis, non carne generatis: imputat vero non jam aliena, sed propria. Aliena quippe erant, quando hi qui ea propagata portarent, nondum erant: nunc vero carnali generatione jam eorum sunt, quibus nondum spirituali regeneratione dimissa sunt.