10. Nam ne illo quidem debent continentium meritis se conferre conjugia, quod ex eis virgines procreantur: hoc enim non conjugii bonum est, sed natura


 12. Habeant conjugia bonum suum, non quia filios procreant, sed quia honeste, quia licite, quia pudice, quia socialiter, procreant, et procreatos pari

 13. Unde mirabiliter desipiunt, qui putant hujus continentiae bonum non esse necessarium propter regnum coelorum, sed propter praesens saeculum quod







 20. Absit ergo ut ita dixerit Apostolus nuptis sive nupturis, Ego autem vobis parco tanquam noluerit dicere quae poena conjugatis in futuro saeculo d














 34. Curiosas et verbosas malas innuptas Paulus apostolus notat, et hoc vitium venire dicit ex otio. Simul autem, inquit, et otiosae discunt circumire



 37. Sed respice agmina virginum, puerorum puellarumque sanctarum: in Ecclesia tua eruditum est hoc genus illic tibi a maternis uberibus pullulavit, i

 38. Non ego te, anima pie pudica, quae appetitum carnalem nec usque ad concessum conjugium relaxasti, quae decessurum corpus nec successori propagando



 41. Justis miscentur casuri, ut ex horum casu timor augeatur. Justus non putet modicum sibi dimissum, ut modicum diligat. Dimissum deputet quidquid ma


 43. De ipsa etiam continentia nonne apertissime dictum est: Et cum scirem quia nemo potest esse continens nisi Deus det, et hoc ipsum erat sapientiae,



 46. Hoc autem tam magnum est, ut eum fructum centenum quidam intelligant . Perhibet enim praeclarissimum testimonium ecclesiastica auctoritas, in qua

 47. Sed ut dicere coeperam, sive centenus fructus sit Deo devota virginitas, sive alio aliquo modo, vel quem commemoravimus, vel quem non commemoravim



 50. Sed rursus, ne per occasionem hujus sententiae quisquam cum mortifera securitate peccaret, seque trahendum permitteret, tanquam mox delendis facil

 51. Sed non contendo cum eis qui asserunt hominem posse in hac vita sine ullo peccato vivere: non contendo, non contradico. Fortassis enim ex nostra m





 56. Bene quod interiorem vestram pulchritudinem quaerit, ubi vobis dedit potestatem filias Dei fieri (Joan. I, 12): non quaerit a vobis pulchram carne


14. It is, therefore, the present necessity that we are to avoid, but yet such as is a hindrance to somewhat of the good things to come; by which necessity the married life is forced to have thought of the things of the world, how to please, the husband the wife or the wife the husband. Not that these separate from the kingdom of God, as there are sins, which are restrained by command, not by counsel, on this account, because it is matter of condemnation not to obey the Lord when He commands: but that, which, within the kingdom of God itself, might be more largely possessed, if there were larger thoughts how they were to please God, will assuredly be less, when as this very thing is less thought of by necessity of marriage. Therefore he says, “Concerning virgins I have not command of the Lord.”23    1 Cor. vii. 25 For whosoever obeys not a command, is guilty and liable for punishment. Wherefore, because it is not sin to marry a wife or to be married, (but if it were a sin, it would be forbidden by a “Command,”) on this account there is no “Command” of the Lord concerning virgins. But since, after we have shunned or had forgiveness of sins, we must approach eternal life, wherein is a certain or more excellent glory, to be assigned not unto all who shall live for ever, but unto certain there; in order to obtain which it is not enough to have been set free from sins, unless there be vowed unto Him, Who setteth us free, something, which it is no matter of fault not to have vowed, but matter of praise to have vowed and performed; he saith, “I give counsel, as having obtained mercy from God that I should be faithful.” For neither ought I to grudge faithful counsel, who not by my own merits, but by the mercy of God, am faithful. “I think therefore that this is good, by reason of the present necessity.”24    1 Cor. vii. 26 This, saith he, on which I have not command of the Lord, but give counsel, that is concerning virgins, I think to be good by reason of the present necessity. For I know what the necessity of the present time, unto which marriages serve, compels, that the things of God be less thought of than is enough for the obtaining that glory, which shall not be of all, although they abide in eternal life and salvation: “For star differeth from star in brightness; so also the Resurrection of the dead.25    1 Cor. xv. 41, 42 It is,” therefore, “good for a man so to be.”


14. Virginitas non praecepto, sed consilio commendata ad promerendam singularem gloriam in vita futura. Praesens ergo est vitanda necessitas, sed tamen quae aliquid bonorum impedit futurorum: qua necessitate vita cogitur conjugalis cogitare quae mundi sunt, quomodo placeat vir uxori, vel uxor viro. Non quod ea separent a regno Dei, sicut sunt peccata, quae ideo praecepto, non consilio cohibentur, quia Domino praecipienti non obedire damnabile est: sed illud quod in ipso Dei regno amplius haberi posset si amplius cogitaretur quomodo placendum esset Deo, minus erit utique cum hoc ipsum minus conjugii necessitate cogitatur. Ideo, De virginibus, inquit, praeceptum Domini non habeo. Praecepto enim quisquis non obtemperat, reus est et debitor poenae. Proinde quia uxorem ducere vel nubere peccatum non est, si autem peccatum esset, praecepto vetaretur; propterea praeceptum Domini de virginibus nullum est. Sed quoniam devitatis remissisve peccatis, adeunda est vita aeterna, in qua est quaedam egregia gloria, non omnibus in aeternum victuris, sed quibusdam ibi tribuenda, cui consequendae parum est liberatum esse a peccatis, nisi aliquid ipsi liberatori voveatur, quod non sit criminis non vovisse, sed vovisse ac reddidisse sit laudis: Consilium, inquit, do, tanquam misericordiam consecutus a Deo, ut fidelis essem. Neque enim invidere debeo fidele consilium, qui non meis meritis, sed Dei misericordia sum fidelis. Existimo itaque hoc bonum esse propter praesentem necessitatem. 0403 Hoc, inquit, unde praeceptum Domini non habeo, sed consilium do, hoc est de virginibus, existimo bonum esse propter praesentem necessitatem. Novi enim quid praesentis temporis, cui conjugia serviunt, necessitas cogat, ut ea quae Dei sunt minus cogitentur, quam sufficit adipiscendae illi gloriae, quae non erit omnium, quamvis in aeterna vita ac salute manentium. Stella enim ab stella differt in claritate; sic et resurrectio mortuorum (I Cor. XV, 41, 42). Bonum est ergo homini sic esse.