venerandae memoriae, die XVmensis Augusti anni MCMLXVII novam Romanae
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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 539
Sydneii habita ad episcopos, presbyteros, diaconos, sacrorum alumnos, novitios et
novitias in Cathedrali templo Sanctae Mariae dicato.*
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In this noble cathedral I rejoice to greet my brother Bishops and priests,
and the deacons, religious and laity of the Archdiocese of Sydney. In a very
special way, my greeting goes to the seminarians and young religious who are
present among us. Like the young Israelites in today's first reading, they are
a sign of hope and renewal for God's people; and, like those young Israelites,
they will have the task of building up the Lord's house in the coming gen-
eration. As we admire this magnificent edifice, how can we not think of all
those ranks of priests, religious and faithful laity who, each in his or her own
way, contributed to the building up of the Church in Australia? Our thoughts
turn in particular to those settler families to whom Father Jeremiah O'Flynn
entrusted the Blessed Sacrament at his departure, a "small flock" which
cherished and preserved that precious treasure, passing it on to the succeed-
ing generations who raised this great tabernacle to the glory of God. Let us
rejoice in their fidelity and perseverance, and dedicate ourselves to carrying
on their labours for the spread of the Gospel, the conversion of hearts and the
growth of the Church in holiness, unity and charity!
We are about to celebrate the dedication of the new altar of this venerable
cathedral. As its sculpted frontal powerfully reminds us, every altar is a
symbol of Jesus Christ, present in the midst of his Church as priest, altar
and victim.1 Crucified, buried and raised from the dead, given life in the
Spirit and seated at the right hand of the Father, Christ has become our
great high priest, eternally making intercession for us. In the Church's li-
turgy, and above all in the sacrifice of the Mass consummated on the altars of
the world, he invites us, the members of his mystical Body, to share in his
self-oblation. He calls us, as the priestly people of the new and eternal cove-
* Die 19 Iulii 2008. 1 Cfr Preface of Easter V.