venerandae memoriae, die XVmensis Augusti anni MCMLXVII novam Romanae

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May the power of his Holy Spirit consecrate the faithful of this land in truth,

and bring forth abundant fruits of holiness and justice for the redemption of

the world. May it guide all humanity into the fullness of life around that

Altar, where, in the glory of the heavenly liturgy, we are called to sing God's

praises for ever. Amen.


Sydneii in conclusione XXIII Diei Internationalis Iuventutis.*

Dear Friends,

"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you".1 We have

seen this promise fulfilled! On the day of Pentecost, as we heard in the first

reading, the Risen Lord, seated at the right hand of the Father, sent the

Spirit upon the disciples gathered in the Upper Room. In the power of that

Spirit, Peter and the Apostles went forth to preach the Gospel to the ends of

the earth. In every age, and in every language, the Church throughout the

world continues to proclaim the marvels of God and to call all nations and

peoples to faith, hope and new life in Christ.

In these days I too have come, as the Successor of Saint Peter, to this

magnificent land of Australia. I have come to confirm you, my young broth-

ers and sisters, in your faith and to encourage you to open your hearts to the

power of Christ's Spirit and the richness of his gifts. I pray that this great

assembly, which unites young people "from every nation under heaven",2 will

be a new Upper Room. May the fire of God's love descend to fill your hearts,

unite you ever more fully to the Lord and his Church, and send you forth, a

new generation of apostles, to bring the world to Christ!

"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you". These

words of the Risen Lord have a special meaning for those young people who

will be confirmed, sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, at today's Mass. But

they are also addressed to each of us - to all those who have received the

Spirit's gift of reconciliation and new life at Baptism, who have welcomed

him into their hearts as their helper and guide at Confirmation, and who

* Die 20 Iulii 2008. 1 Acts 1:8. 2 Acts 2:5.