venerandae memoriae, die XVmensis Augusti anni MCMLXVII novam Romanae

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Tomorrow, that same gift of the Spirit will be solemnly conferred upon

our confirmation candidates. I shall pray: "give them the spirit of wisdom

and understanding, the spirit of right judgement and courage, the spirit of

knowledge and reverence... and fill them with the spirit of wonder and awe".

These gifts of the Spirit - each of which, as Saint Francis de Sales reminds

us, is a way to participate in the one love of God - are neither prizes nor

rewards. They are freely given.22 And they require only one response on the

part of the receiver: I accept! Here we sense something of the deep mystery of

being Christian. What constitutes our faith is not primarily what we do but

what we receive. After all, many generous people who are not Christian may

well achieve far more than we do. Friends, do you accept being drawn into

God's Trinitarian life? Do you accept being drawn into his communion of


The Spirit's gifts working within us give direction and definition to our

witness. Directed to unity, the gifts of the Spirit bind us more closely to the

whole Body of Christ,23 equipping us better to build up the Church in order to

serve the world.24 They call us to active and joyful participation in the life of

the Church: in parishes and ecclesial movements, in religious education clas-

ses, in university chaplaincies and other Catholic organizations. Yes, the

Church must grow in unity, must be strengthened in holiness, must be reju-

venated, must be constantly renewed.25 But according to whose standard?

The Holy Spirit's! Turn to him, dear young people, and you will find the true

meaning of renewal.

Tonight, gathered under the beauty of the night sky, our hearts and

minds are filled with gratitude to God for the great gift of our Trinitarian

faith. We recall our parents and grandparents who walked alongside us when

we, as children, were taking our first steps in our pilgrim journey of faith.

Now many years later, you have gathered as young adults with the Successor

of Peter. I am filled with deep joy to be with you. Let us invoke the Holy

Spirit: he is the artisan of God's works.26 Let his gifts shape you! Just as the

Church travels the same journey with all humanity, so too you are called to

exercise the Spirit's gifts amidst the ups and downs of your daily life. Let

22 Cfr 1 Cor 12:11. 23 Cfr Lumen Gentium, 11. 24 Cfr Eph 4:13. 25 Cfr Lumen Gentium, 4. 26 Cfr Catechism of the Catholic Church, 741.