40. And what members of the holy body, which is the Church, ought more to take care, that upon them the holy Spirit may rest, than such as profess virginal holiness? But how doth He rest, where He findeth not His own place? what else than an humbled heart, to fill, not to leap back from; to raise up, not to weigh down? whereas it hath been most plainly said, “On whom shall rest My Spirit? On him that is humble and quiet, and trembles at My words.”133 Is. lxvi. 2 Already thou livest righteously, already thou livest piously, thou livest chastely, holily, with virginal purity; as yet, however, thou livest here, and art thou not humbled at hearing, “What, is not human life upon earth a trial?”134 Job. vii. 1. LXX. Doth it not drive thee back from over-confident arrogance, “Woe unto the world because of offenses?”135 Matt. xviii. 7. [See R.V.] Dost thou not tremble, lest thou be accounted among the many, whose “love waxeth cold, because that iniquity abounds?”136 Matt. xxiv. 12 Dost thou not smite thy breast, when thou hearest, “Wherefore, whoso thinketh that he standeth, let him see to it lest he fall?”137 1 Cor. x. 12 Amid these divine warnings and human dangers, do we yet find it so hard to persuade holy virgins to humility?
40. Spiritus sancti locus cor humiliatum. Justis ex cadendi periculo ratio sese humiliandi. Et quae magis membra corporis sancti, quod est Ecclesia, curare debent, ut super ea requiescat Spiritus sanctus, quam virginalem profitentia sanctitatem? Quomodo autem requiescit ubi non invenit locum suum? quid aliud quam cor humiliatum quod impleat, non unde resiliat; quod erigat, non quod deprimat? cum apertissime dictum sit, Super quem requiescet Spiritus meus? Super humilem et quietum et trementem verba mea (Isai. LXVI, 2). Jam juste vivis, jam pie vivis, pudice, sancte, virginali castitate vivis: adhuc tamen hic vivis, et non humiliaris audiendo, Numquid non tentatio est vita humana super terram (Job VII, 1)? Non te a praefidenti elatione reverberat, Vae mundo ab scandalis (Matth. XVIII, 7)? Non contremiscis, ne deputeris in multis quorum refrigescit charitas, quoniam abundat iniquitas (Id. XXIV, 12)? Non percutis pectus cum audis, Quapropter, qui se putat stare, videat ne cadat (I Cor. X, 12)? Inter haec divina monita et humana pericula, itane adhuc virginibus sanctis humilitatem persuadere laboramus?