2. Primum ergo videndum quid dicant illius professionis homines qui operari nolunt: deinde, si eos non recte sentire invenerimus, ad eorum correctione








 10. Apertius et clarius id esse ex consequentibus. Et redit rursus, modisque omnibus etiam atque etiam commendat quid sibi liceat, et tamen non faciat






 16. Paulus praecipiens operari servos Dei, non vult tamen eorum necessitates minus curari a fidelibus. Labor servis Dei eligendus qui animo libero exe


 18. Et paulo post dicit: Nam de ministerio quod fit in sanctos, ex abundanti est mihi scribere vobis. Scio enim promptum esse animum vestrum, de quo g

 19. Sicut ergo non cessavit Apostolus, imo Spiritus Dei possidens et implens et agens cor ejus, exhortari fideles qui haberent hujusmodi substantiam,





 24. Hanc quaestionem breviter solverem, si dicerem, quia et juste dicerem, credendum esse Apostolo. Ipse enim sciebat cur in Ecclesiis Gentium non opo

 25. Si saltem habebant aliquid in hoc saeculo, quo facile sine opificio sustentarent istam vitam, quod 0568 conversi ad Deum indigentibus dispertiti s

 26. Contingit enim eis quod in viduis junioribus indisciplinatis cavendum idem apostolus dicit: Simul autem et otiosae esse discunt non solum autem o


 28. Proinde rursus istos alio sublimiore gradu justitiae superabunt, qui se ita instituerint, ut quotidie in agros tanquam in pastum pergant, et quo t

 29. Verum et hoc concedamus, toto vertente anno posse in agris reperiri vel ex arbore vel ex herbis, vel ex quibusque radicibus quod in escam sumi pos

 30. Quapropter, ut breviter complectar, isti qui ex Evangelii perverso intellectu tam manifesta apostolica praecepta pervertere moliuntur, aut non cog



 33. Quamobrem etiam illi qui relicta vel distributa, sive ampla, sive qualicumque opulenta facultate, inter pauperes Christi pia et salubri humilitate


 35. Et quod sequitur de volatilibus coeli et de liliis agri, ad hoc dicit, ne quisquam Deum putet servorum suorum necessaria non curare cum ejus sapi




 39. Minus enim peccatur, si non laudetur peccator in desideriis animae suae, et qui iniqua gerit benedicatur (Psal. IX, 24).



41. Wherefore, they which will not do right things, let them give over at least to teach wrong things. Howbeit they be others whom in this speech we reprove: but as for those who by this one fault, of letting their hair contrary to apostolic precept grow long, offend and trouble the Church, because when some being unwilling to think of them any thing amiss are forced to twist the manifest words of the Apostle into a wrong meaning, others choose to defend the sound understanding of the Scriptures rather than fawn upon any men, there arise between the weaker and the stronger brethren most bitter and perilous contentions: which things perchance if they knew, these would correct without hesitation this also, in whom we admire and love all else. Those then we not reprove, but ask and solemnly beseech by the Godhead and the Manhood of Christ and by the charity of the Holy Ghost, that they no more put this stumbling-block before the weak for whom Christ died, and aggravate the grief and torment of our heart when we bethink us how much more readily evil men can imitate this evil thing for deceiving of mankind, when they see this in them whom on the score of other so great good we with deserved offices of Christian love do honor. If however, after this admonition, or rather this solemn entreaty of ours, they shall think fit to persevere in the same, we shall do nothing else but only grieve and mourn. This let them know; it is enough. If they be servants of God, they have pity. If they have not pity, I will not say any thing worse. All these things, therefore, in the which peradventure I have been more loquacious than the occupations both of thee and of me could wish, if thou approve the same, make thou to be known to our brethren and sons, on whose behalf thou hast deigned to put this burden upon me: but if aught seem to thee meet to be withdrawn or amended, by reply of your Blessedness I shall know the same.


41. Bonos quosdam crinitos rogat ut capillos radant. Quapropter qui recta facere nolunt, desinant saltem docere perversa. Sed alii sunt, quos isto sermone corripimus : illos autem qui hoc uno vitio capillorum contra praeceptum apostolicum demissorum offendunt et perturbant Ecclesiam: quia cum alii nolentes de illis mali aliquid sentire, coguntur manifesta verba Apostoli in perversam detorquere sententiam, alii sanum intellectum Scripturarum defendere malunt, quam quoslibet homines adulare ; existunt inter fratres infirmiores et firmiores amarissimae et periculosissimae contentiones: quod illi forte si scirent, hoc quoque sine dubitatione corrigerent, quorum caetera miramur et amamus: illos ergo 0581 non corripimus, sed rogamus et obsecramus per divinitatem et humanitatem Christi, et per charitatem Spiritus sancti, ne ultra jam ponant hoc offendiculum infirmis, pro quibus Christus mortuus est, et dolorem cruciatumque nostri cordis exaggerent, cum cogitamus quanto proclivius hoc malum ad decipiendos homines imitari possint mali, cum in eis hoc vident quos propter alia tanta bona debitis officiis christianae dilectionis honoramus. Quod si post hanc admonitionem vel potius obsecrationem nostram in 0582 eo sibi perseverandum esse putaverint, nihil aliud faciemus quam dolebimus et gememus. Hoc noverint, sufficit: si servi Dei sunt, miserentur; si non miserentur, nolo quidquam gravius dicere. Haec itaque omnia in quibus fortasse loquacior fui, quam vellent occupationes et tuae et meae, si approbas, fac innotescere fratribus et filiis nostris, propter quos mihi es hoc onus dignatus imponere: si autem aliquid retrahendum vel emendandum videtur, rescriptis tuae Beatitudinis noverim.