Ven. Anna Maria Gesualda Antonia Taigi
Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
Marie-Marthe-Baptistine Tamisier
Sts. Tarachus, Probus, and Andronicus
Vicariate Apostolic of Tarapacá (de Tarapacá)
Catherine Tegakwitha (Tekakwitha, Takwitha)
Vicariate Apostolic of Temiskaming
Sixteen Blessed Teresian Martyrs of Compiègne
Diocese of Terracina, Sezze, and Piperno
Thanksgiving before and after Meals
Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury
Joseph Albert Alberdingk Thijm
Peter Paul Maria Alberdingk Thijm
Right Honourable Sir John Sparrow David Thompson
Johann Amadeus Franz de Paula Thugut
Louis-Sébastien Le Nain de Tillemont
Johannes Tserclæs, Count of Tilly
Tomb of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Charles-Thomas Maillard de Tournon
Alexandre de Prouville, Marquis de Tracy
Tradition and Living Magisterium
Feast of Transfiguration of Christ
Vicariate Apostolic of the Transvaal
Vicariate Apostolic of Trichur (Trichurensis)
Diocese of Triest-Capo d'Istria
Abbey of Trinità di Cava dei Tirreni
Prefecture Apostolic of Tripoli
Tryphon, Respicius, and Nympha
Diocese established in 1880 as a suffragan of Bogot·, in the Republic of Colombia, South America. Its jurisdiction comprises the territory of the Department of Boyac·, with a Catholic population in 1911 of 400,000 souls; 145 priests; 153 parishes, and 159 churches and chapels. The capital of the department and see of the bishop is the City of Tunja, which before the arrival of the Spaniards was, under the name of Hunza, the residence of the zaque, the sovereign of the Muisca Indians. It was founded on 6 Aug., 1538, by Captain Gonzalo Su·rez RondÛn, by order of the conqueror Quesada. Emperor Charles V granted it the title of city in 1681. The wealth and luxury of its ancient founders can still be recognized in the coats-of-arms carved over the stone entrances of its beautiful mansions. Prominent among its public buildings are: the palace of the bishop, the cathedral, and the various churches; the monastery of the Dominicans, and the convent of the Santa Clara nuns. Public instruction in the Department of Boyac· is under the supervision of the governor of the department, assisted by a director of public instruction. There are in the department over 200 primary schools, with about 15,000 pupils of both sexes. Secondary instruction in Tunja is given at various colleges supported by the department, like the College of Boyac· and the normal school for women; and at several Catholic institutions such as the Christian Brothers' College, the Academy of Tertiary Sisters, and the College of the Presentation; for the education of the clergy there is the diocesan seminary. There are also several Catholic schools in other cities of the department, among them the College of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, under the Christian Brothers; the College of the Presentation, in charge of the Sisters of Charity; the College of Santa Rosa de Lima; and the College of St. Louis Gonzaga, in Chiquinquir·.
Julian Moreno-Lacalle.