The Comedies of Terence

 Table of Contents

 Primores populi arripuit populumque tributim:


 Act the First.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Scene III.

 Scene IV.

 Scene V.

 Act the Second.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Scene III.

 Scene IV.

 Scene V.

 Scene VI.

 Scene VII.

 Act the Third.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Scene III.

 Scene IV.

 Scene V.

 Scene VI.

 Scene VII.

 Scene VIII.

 Act the Fourth.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Scene III.

 Scene IV.

 Scene V.

 Scene VI.

 Scene VII.

 Scene VIII.

 Scene IX.

 Act the Fifth.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Scene III.

 Scene IV.

 Scene V.

 Scene VI.

 Scene VII.

 Scene VIII.

Scene VIII.

Enter Davus.

Davus (entering). Where's Pamphilus?

Pam. Oh Davus!

Davus. Who's there?

Pam. I.

Davus. Oh Pamphilus!

Pam. You know not my good fortune.

Davus. Do you know my ill fortune?

Pam. To a tittle.

Davus. 'Tis after the old fashion, that my ills Should reach your ears, before your joys reach mine.

Pam. Glycerium has discover'd her relations.

Davus. O excellent!

Char. How's that? (Listening.)

Pam. Her father is Our most near friend.

Davus. Who?

Pam. Chremes.

Davus. Charming news!

Pam. And I'm to marry her immediately.

Char. Is this man talking in his sleep, and dreams On what he wishes waking? (Listening.)

Pam. And moreover, For the child, Davus -

Davus. Ah, Sir, say no more. You're th' only favorite of the Gods.

Char. I'm made, If this be true. I'll speak to them. (Comes forward.)

Pam. Who's there? Charinus! oh, well met.

Char. I give you joy.

Pam. You've heard then -

Char. Ev'ry word: and prithee now, In your good fortune, think upon your friend. Chremes is now your own; and will perform Whatever you shall ask.

Pam. I shall remember. 'Twere tedious to expect his coming forth: Along with me then to Glycerium! Davus, do you go home, and hasten them To fetch her hence. Away, away!

Davus. I go.

Exeunt Pamphilus and Charinus.

Davus. (addressing the audience.) Wait not till they come forth: within She'll be betroth'd; within, if aught remains Undone, 'twill be concluded - Clap your hands!