The Divine   Sacra 

 The Imperial Sacra.

 Extracts from the Acts.

 Extracts from the Acts.

 Extracts from the Acts.

 Extracts from the Acts.

 Extracts from the Acts.

  Epitome of the Definition of the Iconoclastic Conciliabulum held in Constantinople, A.D. 754. 

 Excursus on the Conciliabulum Styling Itself the Seventh Ecumenical Council, But Commonly Called the Mock Synod of Constantinople.

 The Decree of the Holy, Great, Ecumenical Synod, the Second of Nice.

 Excursus on the Present Teaching of the Latin and Greek Churches on the Subject.

 The Canons of the Holy and Ecumenical Seventh…

  The Canons of the Holy and Ecumenical Seventh Council. 

 Canon II.

 Canon III.

 Canon IV.

 Canon V.

 Canon VI.

 Canon VII.

 Canon VIII.

 Canon IX.

 Canon X.

 Canon XI.

 Canon XII.

 Canon XIII.

 Canon XIV.

 Canon XV.

 Canon XVI.

 Canon XVII.

 Canon XVIII.

 Canon XIX.

 Canon XX.

 Canon XXI.

 Canon XXII.

 The Letter of the Synod to the Emperor and Empress.

 Excursus on the Two Letters of Gregory II. To the Emperor Leo.

 Excursus on the Reception of the Seventh Council.

 Examination of the Caroline Books.

 Examination of the Caroline Books.

 II.  Authority of the Caroline Books  .

 III.  Contents of the Caroline Books  .

 IV.  The Chief Cause of Trouble a Logomachy  .

 Excursus on the Council of Frankfort, a.d. 794.

 Excursus on the Convention said to have been held in Paris, a.d. 825.

 Historical Note on the So-Called “Eighth General Council” and Subsequent Councils.

Extracts from the Acts.

Session III.

(Labbe and Cossart,  Concilia , Tom. VII., col. 188.)

Constantine, the most holy bishop of Constantia in Cyprus, said: Since I, unworthy that I am, find that the letter which has just been read, which was sent from the East to Tarasius the most holy archbishop and ecumenical patriarch, is in no sense changed from that confession of faith which he himself had before made, to these I consent and become of one mind, receiving and saluting with honour the holy and venerable images. But the worship of adoration I reserve alone to the supersubstantial and life-giving Trinity. And those who are not so minded, and do not so teach I cast out of the holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and I smite them with anathema, and I deliver them over to the lot of those who deny the incarnation and the bodily economy of Christ our true God.



(  Hist. Councils , Vol. V., p. 366.)

By false translation and misunderstanding the Frankish bishops subsequently at the Synod of Frankfort, a.d. 794, and also in the Carolingian books (iii. 17), understood this to mean that a demand had been made at Nicæa that the same devotion should be offered to the images as to the Most Holy Trinity.

Under these circumstances it is clear that the Franks could do nothing but reject the decrees. I have treated of this whole matter elsewhere.