The Divine   Sacra 

 The Imperial Sacra.

 Extracts from the Acts.

 Extracts from the Acts.

 Extracts from the Acts.

 Extracts from the Acts.

 Extracts from the Acts.

  Epitome of the Definition of the Iconoclastic Conciliabulum held in Constantinople, A.D. 754. 

 Excursus on the Conciliabulum Styling Itself the Seventh Ecumenical Council, But Commonly Called the Mock Synod of Constantinople.

 The Decree of the Holy, Great, Ecumenical Synod, the Second of Nice.

 Excursus on the Present Teaching of the Latin and Greek Churches on the Subject.

 The Canons of the Holy and Ecumenical Seventh…

  The Canons of the Holy and Ecumenical Seventh Council. 

 Canon II.

 Canon III.

 Canon IV.

 Canon V.

 Canon VI.

 Canon VII.

 Canon VIII.

 Canon IX.

 Canon X.

 Canon XI.

 Canon XII.

 Canon XIII.

 Canon XIV.

 Canon XV.

 Canon XVI.

 Canon XVII.

 Canon XVIII.

 Canon XIX.

 Canon XX.

 Canon XXI.

 Canon XXII.

 The Letter of the Synod to the Emperor and Empress.

 Excursus on the Two Letters of Gregory II. To the Emperor Leo.

 Excursus on the Reception of the Seventh Council.

 Examination of the Caroline Books.

 Examination of the Caroline Books.

 II.  Authority of the Caroline Books  .

 III.  Contents of the Caroline Books  .

 IV.  The Chief Cause of Trouble a Logomachy  .

 Excursus on the Council of Frankfort, a.d. 794.

 Excursus on the Convention said to have been held in Paris, a.d. 825.

 Historical Note on the So-Called “Eighth General Council” and Subsequent Councils.

Canon III.

That it does not pertain to princes to choose a Bishop.

Let every election of a bishop, presbyter, or deacon, made by princes stand null, according to the canon which says: If any bishop making use of the secular powers shall by their means obtain jurisdiction over any church, he shall be deposed, and also excommunicated, together with all who remain in communion with him. For he who is raised to the episcopate must be chosen by bishops, as was decreed by the holy fathers of Nice in the canon which says: It is most fitting that a bishop be ordained by all the bishops in the province; but if this is difficult to arrange, either on account of urgent necessity, or because of the length of the journey, three bishops at least having met together and given their votes, those also who are absent having signified their assent by letters, the ordination shall take place. The confirmation of what is thus done, shall in each province be given by the metropolitan thereof.


Ancient Epitome of Canon III.

Every election made by a secular magistrate is null.

This is a canon of a synod recognized by East and West as ecumenical! The reader can hardly resist the reflection that in this case there have been and are a great many intruding clergymen in the world, whose appointment to their several offices is “null.” Van Espen, however, suggests an ingenious way out of the difficulty, which is followed with great approval by Hefele.

Van Espen.

Canon xxix. of those commonly called Apostolic, and canon iv. of Nice are renewed in this canon.

From the words of this canon it is sufficiently clear that in this canon the synod is treating of the choice and intrusion of persons into ecclesiastical offices which the magistrates and Princes had arrogated to themselves under the title of Domination (  Dominatio ); and by no means of that choice or rather nomination which Catholic princes and kings have everywhere and always used.

This canon is found in the  Corpus Juris Canonici , Gratian’s  Decretum , Pars I., Dist. xciii., C. vij.