§2. Eusebius’ Birth and Training. His Life in Cæsarea until the Outbreak of the Persecution.
§3. The Persecution of Diocletian.
§4. Eusebius’ Accession to the Bishopric of Cæsarea.
§5. The Outbreak of the Arian Controversy. The Attitude of Eusebius .
§7. Continuance of the Arian Controversy. Eusebius’ Relations to the Two Parties.
§3. Eusebius as a Historian. The Merits and Defects of his History .
Testimonies of the Ancients in Favor of Eusebius.
Testimonies of the Ancients Against Eusebius.
The Church History of Eusebius.
Chapter II.— Summary View of the Pre-existence and Divinity of Our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter IV.— The Religion Proclaimed by Him to All Nations Was Neither New Nor Strange.
Chapter V.— The Time of his Appearance among Men.
Chapter VII.— The Alleged Discrepancy in the Gospels in regard to the Genealogy of Christ.
Chapter VIII.— The Cruelty of Herod toward the Infants, and the Manner of his Death.
Chapter IX.— The Times of Pilate.
Chapter X.— The High Priests of the Jews under whom Christ taught.
Chapter XI.— Testimonies in Regard to John the Baptist and Christ.
Chapter XII.— The Disciples of our Saviour.
Chapter XIII.— Narrative concerning the Prince of the Edessenes.
Chapter I.— The Course pursued by the Apostles after the Ascension of Christ.
Chapter II.— How Tiberius was affected when informed by Pilate concerning Christ.
Chapter III.— The Doctrine of Christ soon spread throughout All the World.
Chapter V.— Philo’s Embassy to Caius in Behalf of the Jews.
Chapter VI.— The Misfortunes which overwhelmed the Jews after their Presumption against Christ.
Chapter VII.— Pilate’s Suicide.
Chapter VIII.— The Famine which took Place in the Reign of Claudius.
Chapter IX.— The Martyrdom of James the Apostle.
Chapter XI.— The Impostor Theudas and his Followers.
Chapter XII.— Helen, the Queen of the Osrhœnians.
Chapter XIV.— The Preaching of the Apostle Peter in Rome.
Chapter XV.— The Gospel according to Mark.
Chapter XVI.— Mark first proclaimed Christianity to the Inhabitants of Egypt.
Chapter XVII.— Philo’s Account of the Ascetics of Egypt.
Chapter XVIII.— The Works of Philo that have come down to us.
Chapter XIX.— The Calamity which befell the Jews in Jerusalem on the Day of the Passover.
Chapter XX.— The Events which took Place in Jerusalem during the Reign of Nero.
Chapter XXI.— The Egyptian, who is mentioned also in the Acts of the Apostles.
Chapter XXIII.— The Martyrdom of James, who was called the Brother of the Lord.
Chapter XXIV.— Annianus the First Bishop of the Church of Alexandria after Mark.
Chapter II.— The First Ruler of the Church of Rome.
Chapter III.— The Epistles of the Apostles.
Chapter IV.— The First Successors of the Apostles.
Chapter V.— The Last Siege of the Jews after Christ.
Chapter VI.— The Famine which oppressed them.
Chapter VII.— The Predictions of Christ.
Chapter VIII.— The Signs which preceded the War.
Chapter IX.— Josephus and the Works which he has left.
Chapter X.— The Manner in which Josephus mentions the Divine Books.
Chapter XI.— Symeon rules the Church of Jerusalem after James.
Chapter XII.— Vespasian commands the Descendants of David to be sought.
Chapter XIII.— Anencletus, the Second Bishop of Rome.
Chapter XIV.— Abilius, the Second Bishop of Alexandria.
Chapter XV.— Clement, the Third Bishop of Rome.
Chapter XVI.— The Epistle of Clement.
Chapter XVII.— The Persecution under Domitian.
Chapter XVIII.— The Apostle John and the Apocalypse.
Chapter XIX.— Domitian commands the Descendants of David to be slain.
Chapter XX.— The Relatives of our Saviour.
Chapter XXI.— Cerdon becomes the Third Ruler of the Church of Alexandria.
Chapter XXII.— Ignatius, the Second Bishop of Antioch.
Chapter XXIII.— Narrative Concerning John the Apostle.
Chapter XXIV.— The Order of the Gospels.
Chapter XXV.— The Divine Scriptures that are accepted and those that are not.
Chapter XXVI.— Menander the Sorcerer.
Chapter XXVII.— The Heresy of the Ebionites.
Chapter XXVIII.— Cerinthus the Heresiarch.
Chapter XXIX.— Nicolaus and the Sect named after him.
Chapter XXX.— The Apostles that were Married.
Chapter XXXI.— The Death of John and Philip.
Chapter XXXII.— Symeon, Bishop of Jerusalem, suffers Martyrdom.
Chapter XXXIII.— Trajan forbids the Christians to be sought after.
Chapter XXXIV.— Evarestus, the Fourth Bishop of the Church of Rome.
Chapter XXXV.— Justus, the Third Bishop of Jerusalem.
Chapter XXXVI.— Ignatius and His Epistles.
Chapter XXXVII.— The Evangelists that were still Eminent at that Time.
Chapter XXXVIII.— The Epistle of Clement and the Writings falsely ascribed to him.
Chapter XXXIX.— The Writings of Papias.
Chapter II.— The Calamities of the Jews during Trajan’s Reign.
Chapter III.— The Apologists that wrote in Defense of the Faith during the Reign of Adrian.
Chapter IV.— The Bishops of Rome and of Alexandria under the Same Emperor .
Chapter V.— The Bishops of Jerusalem from the Age of our Saviour to the Period under Consideration
Chapter VI.— The Last Siege of the Jews under Adrian .
Chapter VII.— The Persons that became at that Time Leaders of Knowledge falsely so-called .
Chapter VIII.— Ecclesiastical Writers .
Chapter IX.— The Epistle of Adrian, decreeing that we should not be punished without a Trial .
Chapter X.— The Bishops of Rome and of Alexandria during the Reign of Antoninus .
Chapter XI.— The Heresiarchs of that Age .
Chapter XII.— The Apology of Justin addressed to Antoninus.
ChapterXIII.— The Epistle of Antoninus to the Common Assembly of Asia in Regard to our Doctrine .
Chapter XIV.— The Circumstances related of Polycarp, a Friend of the Apostles .
Chapter XV.— Under Verus, Polycarp with Others suffered Martyrdom at Smyrna
Chapter XVI.— Justin the Philosopher preaches the Word of Christ in Rome and suffers Martyrdom.
Chapter XVII.— The Martyrs whom Justin mentions in his Own Work.
Chapter XVIII.— The Works of Justin which have come down to us.
Chapter XIX.— The Rulers of the Churches of Rome and Alexandria during the Reign of Verus.
Chapter XX.— The Rulers of the Church of Antioch.
Chapter XXI.— The Ecclesiastical Writers that flourished in Those Days.
Chapter XXII.— Hegesippus and the Events which he mentions.
Chapter XXIII.— Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth, and the Epistles which he wrote.
Chapter XXIV.— Theophilus Bishop of Antioch.
Chapter XXV.— Philip and Modestus.
Chapter XXVI.— Melito and the Circumstances which he records.
Chapter XXVII.— Apolinarius, Bishop of the Church of Hierapolis.
Chapter XXVIII.— Musanus and His Writings.
Chapter XXIX.— The Heresy of Tatian.
Chapter XXX.— Bardesanes the Syrian and his Extant Works.
Chapter II.— The Martyrs, beloved of God, kindly ministered unto those who fell in the Persecution.
Chapter III.— The Vision which appeared in a Dream to the Witness Attalus.
Chapter IV.— Irenæus commended by the Witnesses in a Letter.
Chapter VI.— Catalogue of the Bishops of Rome.
Chapter VII.— Even down to those Times Miracles were performed by the Faithful.
Chapter VIII.— The Statements of Irenæus in regard to the Divine Scriptures.
Chapter IX.— The Bishops under Commodus.
Chapter X.— Pantænus the Philosopher.
Chapter XI.— Clement of Alexandria.
Chapter XII.— The Bishops in Jerusalem.
Chapter XIII.— Rhodo and his Account of the Dissension of Marcion.
Chapter XIV.— The False Prophets of the Phrygians.
Chapter XV.— The Schism of Blastus at Rome.
Chapter XVI.— The Circumstances related of Montanus and his False Prophets.
Chapter XVII.— Miltiades and His Works.
Chapter XIX.— Serapion on the Heresy of the Phrygians.
Chapter XX.— The Writings of Irenæus against the Schismatics at Rome.
Chapter XXI.— How Appolonius suffered Martyrdom at Rome.
Chapter XXII.— The Bishops that were well known at this Time.
Chapter XXIII.— The Question then agitated concerning the Passover.
Chapter XXIV.— The Disagreement in Asia.
Chapter XXV.— How All came to an Agreement respecting the Passover.
Chapter XXVI.— The Elegant Works of Irenæus which have come down to us.
Chapter XXVII.— The Works of Others that flourished at that Time.
Chapter II.— The Training of Origen from Childhood.
Chapter III.— While still very Young, he taught diligently the Word of Christ.
Chapter IV.— The pupils of Origen that became Martyrs.
Chapter VI.— Clement of Alexandria.
Chapter VII.— The Writer, Judas.
Chapter VIII.— Origen’s Daring Deed.
Chapter IX.— The Miracles of Narcissus.
Chapter X.— The Bishops of Jerusalem.
Chapter XII.— Serapion and his Extant Works.
Chapter XIII.— The Writings of Clement.
Chapter XIV.— The Scriptures mentioned by Him.
Chapter XVI.— Origen’s Earnest Study of the Divine Scriptures.
Chapter XVII.— The Translator Symmachus.
Chapter XIX.— Circumstances Related of Origen.
Chapter XX.— The Extant Works of the Writers of that Age.
Chapter XXI.— The Bishops that were well known at that Time.
Chapter XXII.— The Works of Hippolytus which have reached us.
Chapter XXIII.— Origen’s Zeal and his Elevation to the Presbyterate.
Chapter XXIV.— The Commentaries which he prepared at Alexandria.
Chapter XXV.— His Review of the Canonical Scriptures.
Chapter XXVI.— Heraclas becomes Bishop of Alexandria.
Chapter XXVII.— How the Bishops regarded Origen.
Chapter XXVIII.— The Persecution under Maximinus.
Chapter XXIX.— Fabianus, who was wonderfully designated Bishop of Rome by God.
Chapter XXX.— The Pupils of Origen.
Chapter XXXII.— The Commentaries which Origen composed in Cæsarea in Palestine.
Chapter XXXIII.— The Error of Beryllus.
Chapter XXXV.— Dionysius succeeds Heraclas in the Episcopate.
Chapter XXXVI.— Other Works of Origen.
Chapter XXXVII.— The Dissension of the Arabians.
Chapter XXXVIII.— The Heresy of the Elkesites.
Chapter XXXIX.— The Persecution under Decius, and the Sufferings of Origen.
Chapter XL.— The Events which happened to Dionysius.
Chapter XLI.— The Martyrs in Alexandria.
Chapter XLII.— Others of whom Dionysius gives an Account.
Chapter XLIII.— Novatus, his Manner of Life and his Heresy.
Chapter XLIV.— Dionysius’ Account of Serapion.
Chapter XLV.— An Epistle of Dionysius to Novatus.
Chapter XLVI.— Other Epistles of Dionysius.
Chapter I.— The Wickedness of Decius and Gallus.
Chapter II.— The Bishops of Rome in those Times.
Chapter IV.— The Epistles which Dionysius wrote on this Subject.
Chapter V.— The Peace following the Persecution.
Chapter VI.— The Heresy of Sabellius.
Chapter VIII.— The Heterodoxy of Novatus.
Chapter IX.— The Ungodly Baptism of the Heretics.
Chapter X.— Valerian and the Persecution under him.
Chapter XI.— The Events which happened at this Time to Dionysius and those in Egypt.
Chapter XII.— The Martyrs in Cæsarea in Palestine.
Chapter XIII.— The Peace under Gallienus.
Chapter XIV.— The Bishops that flourished at that Time.
Chapter XV.— The Martyrdom of Marinus at Cæsarea.
Chapter XVI.— Story in Regard to Astyrius.
Chapter XVII.— The Signs at Paneas of the Great Might of our Saviour.
Chapter XVIII.— The Statue which the Woman with an Issue of Blood erected.
Chapter XIX.— The Episcopal Chair of James.
Chapter XX.— The Festal Epistles of Dionysius, in which he also gives a Paschal Canon.
Chapter XXI.— The Occurrences at Alexandria.
Chapter XXII.— The Pestilence which came upon them.
Chapter XXIII.— The Reign of Gallienus.
Chapter XXIV.— Nepos and his Schism.
Chapter XXV.— The Apocalypse of John.
Chapter XXVI.— The Epistles of Dionysius.
Chapter XXVII.— Paul of Samosata, and the Heresy introduced by him at Antioch.
Chapter XXVIII.— The Illustrious Bishops of that Time.
Chapter XXX.— The Epistle of the Bishops against Paul.
Chapter XXXI.— The Perversive Heresy of the Manicheans which began at this Time.
Chapter I.— The Events which preceded the Persecution in our Times.
Chapter II.— The Destruction of the Churches.
Chapter III.— The Nature of the Conflicts endured in the Persecution.
Chapter V.— Those in Nicomedia.
Chapter VI.— Those in the Palace.
Chapter VII.— The Egyptians in Phœnicia.
Chapter VIII.— Those in Egypt .
Chapter IX.— Those in Thebais.
Chapter X.— The Writings of Phileas the Martyr describing the Occurrences at Alexandria.
Chapter XI.— Those in Phrygia.
Chapter XII.— Many Others, both Men and Women, who suffered in Various Ways.
Chapter XIV.— The Character of the Enemies of Religion.
Chapter XV.— The Events which happened to the Heathen.
Chapter XVI.— The Change of Affairs for the Better.
Chapter XVII.— The Revocation of the Rulers.
Chapter II.— The Subsequent Reverse.
Chapter III.— The Newly Erected Statue at Antioch.
Chapter IV.— The Memorials against us.
Chapter VI.— Those who suffered Martyrdom at this Time.
Chapter VII.— The Decree against us which was engraved on Pillars.
Chapter IX.— The Victory of the God-Beloved Emperors.
Chapter X.— The Overthrow of the Tyrants and the Words which they uttered before their Death.
Chapter XI.— The Final Destruction of the Enemies of Religion.
Chapter II.— The Restoration of the Churches.
Chapter III.— The Dedications in Every Place.
Chapter IV.— Panegyric on the Splendor of Affairs.
Chapter V.— Copies of Imperial Laws.
Chapter VI. — Copy of an Imperial Epistle in which Money is granted to the Churches.
Chapter VII.— The Exemption of the Clergy.
Chapter VIII.— The Subsequent Wickedness of Licinius, and his Death.
Supplementary Notes and Tables.
On Bk. III. chap. 3, § 5 (note 17, continued).
On Bk. III. chap. 3, § 6 (note 22, continued).
On Bk. III. chap. 24, § 17 (note 18 continued).
On Bk. III. chap. 25, § 4 (note 18 continued).
On Bk. III. chap. 32, § 6 (note 14 a ).
On Bk. III. chap. 39, § 1 (note 1, continued).
On Bk. V. Introd. § I (note 3, continued). The Successors of Antoninus Pius .
On Bk. V. chap. 1, § 27 (note 26, continued).
On Bk. VI. chap. 2 (note 1, continued). Origen’s Life and Writings .
On Bk. VI. chap. 8, § 5 (note 4). Origen and Demetrius .
On Bk. VI. chap. 23, § 4 (note 6). Origen’s Visit to Achaia .
On Bk. VII. chap. 26, § 1 (note 4, continued).
On Bk. VIII. chap. 2, § 4 (note 3, continued). The Causes of the Diocletian Persecution .
On Bk. X. chap. 8, § 4 (note I, a).
The Bishops of Rome, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem, mentioned by Eusebius.
Table showing the Roman Method of counting the Days of the Month.
Chapter II.— How Tiberius was affected when informed by Pilate concerning Christ.
1. And when the wonderful resurrection and ascension of our Saviour were already noised abroad, in accordance with an ancient custom which prevailed among the rulers of the provinces, of reporting to the emperor the novel occurrences which took place in them, in order that nothing might escape him, Pontius Pilate informed Tiberius 36 That Pilate made an official report to Tiberius is stated also by Tertullian (Apol. 21), and is in itself quite probable. Justin Martyr (Apol. I. 35 and Apol. I. 48) mentions certain Acts of Pilate as well known in his day, but the so-called Acts of Pilate which are still extant in various forms are spurious, and belong to a much later period. They are very fanciful and curious. The most important of these Acts is that which is commonly known under the title of the Gospel of Nicodemus. There are also extant numerous spurious epistles of Pilate addressed to Herod, to Tiberius, to Claudius, &c. The extant Acts and Epistles are collected in Tischendorf’s Evang. Apoc., and most of them are translated by Cowper in his Apocryphal Gospels. See also the Ante-Nicene Fathers, Am. ed., VIII. p. 416 sqq. Compare the excellent article of Lipsius upon the Apocryphal Gospels in the Dict. of Christ. Biog. II. p. 707 sqq., also the Prolegomena of Tischendorf, p. lxii sqq. That Pilate made an official report to Tiberius is stated also by Tertullian (Apol. 21), and is in itself quite probable. Justin Martyr (Apol. I. 35 and Apol. I. 48) mentions certain Acts of Pilate as well known in his day, but the so-called Acts of Pilate which are still extant in various forms are spurious, and belong to a much later period. They are very fanciful and curious. The most important of these Acts is that which is commonly known under the title of the Gospel of Nicodemus. There are also extant numerous spurious epistles of Pilate addressed to Herod, to Tiberius, to Claudius, &c. The extant Acts and Epistles are collected in Tischendorf’s Evang. Apoc., and most of them are translated by Cowper in his Apocryphal Gospels. See also the Ante-Nicene Fathers, Am. ed., VIII. p. 416 sqq. Compare the excellent article of Lipsius upon the Apocryphal Gospels in the Dict. of Christ. Biog. II. p. 707 sqq., also the Prolegomena of Tischendorf, p. lxii sqq. of the reports which were noised abroad through all Palestine concerning the resurrection of our Saviour Jesus from the dead.
2. He gave an account also of other wonders which he had learned of him, and how, after his death, having risen from the dead, he was now believed by many to be a God. 37 The existing Report of Pilate (translated in the Ante-Nicene Fathers, ibid. p. 460, 461) answers well to Eusebius’ description, containing as it does a detailed account of Christ’s miracles and of his resurrection. According to Tischendorf, however, it is in its present form of a much later date, but at the same time is very likely based upon the form which Eusebius saw, and has been changed by interpolations and additions. See the Prolegomena of Tischendorf referred to in the previous note. The existing Report of Pilate (translated in the Ante-Nicene Fathers, ibid. p. 460, 461) answers well to Eusebius’ description, containing as it does a detailed account of Christ’s miracles and of his resurrection. According to Tischendorf, however, it is in its present form of a much later date, but at the same time is very likely based upon the form which Eusebius saw, and has been changed by interpolations and additions. See the Prolegomena of Tischendorf referred to in the previous note. They say that Tiberius referred the matter to the Senate, 38 See below, note 12. but that they rejected it, ostensibly because they had not first examined into the matter (for an ancient law prevailed that no one should be made a God by the Romans except by a vote and decree of the Senate), but in reality because the saving teaching of the divine Gospel did not need the confirmation and recommendation of men.
3. But although the Senate of the Romans rejected the proposition made in regard to our Saviour, Tiberius still retained the opinion which he had held at first, and contrived no hostile measures against Christ. 39 That Tiberius did not persecute the Christians is a fact; but this was simply because they attracted no notice during his reign, and not because of his respect for them or of his belief in Christ.
4. These things are recorded by Tertullian, 40 Tertullian was born in Carthage about the middle of the second century. The common opinion is that he was born about 160, but Lipsius pushes the date back toward the beginning of the fifties, and some even into the forties. For a recent study of the subject, see Ernst Nöldechen in the Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Theologie, 1886, Heft 2. He concludes that he was born about 150 and lived until about 230. Tertullian’s father was a Roman centurion, and he himself became a lawyer and rhetorician in Rome. He was converted to Christianity probably between 180 and 190, and according to Jerome, became a presbyter and continued as such until middle life (whether in Rome or in Carthage we cannot tell; probably in the latter, for he certainly spent the later years of his life, while he was a Montanist, in Carthage, and also a considerable part of his earlier life, as his writings indicate), when he went over to Montanism (probably about 200 a.d.), and died at an advanced age (220+). That he was a presbyter rests only upon the authority of Jerome (de vir. ill. 53), and is denied by some Roman Catholic historians in the interest of clerical celibacy, for Tertullian was a married man. He wrote a great number of works,—apologetic, polemic, and practical—a few in Greek, but most of them in Latin,—and many of the Latin ones are still extant. The best edition of them is by Oehler, Leipzig, 1853, in three volumes. Vol. III. contains valuable dissertations upon the life and works of Tertullian by various writers. An English translation of his works is given in the Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vols. III. and IV. 1–125. Our main sources for a knowledge of his life are his own writings, and Jerome’s de vir. ill. chap. 53. For a fuller account of Tertullian, see any of the larger Church histories, and especially a good monograph by A. Hauck, Tertullian’s Leben und Schriften, Erlangen, 1877. For the literature, see Schaff’s Church Hist. II. p. 818. a man well versed in the laws of the Romans, 41 His accurate acquaintance with the laws of the Romans is not very conspicuous in his writings. His books lead us to think that as a lawyer he must have been noted rather for brilliancy and fertility of resource than for erudition. And this conclusion is borne out by his own description of his life before his conversion, which seems to have been largely devoted to pleasure, and thus to have hardly admitted the acquirement of extensive and accurate learning. and in other respects of high repute, and one of those especially distinguished in Rome. 42 Καὶ τῶν μ€λιστα ἐπὶ ῾Ρώμης λαμπρῶν. Rufinus translates inter nostros Scriptores celeberrimus, and Valesius inter Latinos Scriptores celeberrimus, taking ἐπὶ ῾Ρώμης to mean the Latin language. But this is not the literal translation of the words of Eusebius. He says expressly, one of the especially distinguished men in Rome. From his work de cultu Feminarum, Lib. I. chap. 7, we know that he had spent some time in Rome, and his acquaintance with the Roman records would imply a residence of some duration there. He very likely practiced law and rhetoric in Rome until his conversion. In his apology for the Christians, 43 Tertullian’s Apology ranks first among his extant works, and is “one of the most beautiful monuments of the heroic age of the Church” (Schaff). The date of its composition is greatly disputed, though it must have been written during the reign of Septimius Severus, and almost all scholars are agreed in assigning it to the years 197–204. Since the investigations of Bonwetsch (Die Schriften Tertullian’s, Bonn, 1878), of Harnack (in the Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, 1878, p. 572 sqq.), and of Nöldechen (in Gebhardt and Harnack’s Texte und Untersuchungen, Band V. Heft 2), all of whom agree in assigning its composition to the latter part (summer or fall) of the year 197, its date may be accepted as practically established. which was written by him in the Latin language, and has been translated into Greek, 44 Some have contended that Eusebius himself translated this passage from Tertullian, but his words show clearly enough that he quotes from an already existing translation. His knowledge of the Latin language appears to have been very limited. He must have had some acquaintance with it, for he translates Hadrian’s rescript to Fundanus from Latin into Greek, as he informs us in Bk. IV. chap. 8; but the translation of so brief and simple a piece of writing would not require a profound knowledge of the language, and there are good reasons for concluding that he was not a fluent Latin scholar. For instance, the only work of Tertullian’s which he quotes is his Apology, and he uses only a Greek translation of that. It is not unnatural to conclude that the rest of Tertullian’s works, or at least the most of them, were not translated, and that Eusebius was not enough of a Latin scholar to be able to read them in the original with any degree of ease. Moreover, this conclusion in regard to his knowledge of Latin is confirmed by the small acquaintance which he shows with the works of Latin writers in general. In fact, he does not once betray a personal acquaintance with any of the important Latin works which had been produced before his time, except such as existed in Greek translations. Compare Heinichen’s note in his edition of Eusebius’ History, Vol. III. p. 128 sqq. The translation of Tertullian’s Apology used by Eusebius was very poor, as may be seen from the passage quoted here, and also from the one quoted in Bk. II. chap. 25, §4. For the mistakes, however, of course not Eusebius himself, but the unknown translator, is to be held responsible. he writes as follows: 45 Tertullian’s Apology, chap. 5.
5. “But in order that we may give an account of these laws from their origin, it was an ancient decree 46 Havercamp remarks (in his edition of Tertullian’s Apology, p. 56) that this law is stated in the second book of Cicero’s De Legibus in the words: Separatim nemo habessit deos, neve novos; sed ne advenas nisi publice adscitos privatim colunto. that no one should be consecrated a God by the emperor until the Senate had expressed its approval. Marcus Aurelius did thus concerning a certain idol, Alburnus. 47 Μ€ρκος ᾽Αιμίλιος οὕτως περί τινος εἰδώλου πεποίηκεν ᾽Αλβούρνου. Latin: Scit M. Æmilius de deo suo Alburno. In Adv. Marcionem, I. 18, Tertullian says, Alioquin si sic homo Deum commentabitur, quomodo Romulus Consum, et Tatius Cloacinam, et Hostilius Pavorem, et Metellus Alburnum, et quidam ante hoc tempus Antinoum; hoc aliis licebit; nos Marcionem nauclerum novimus, non regem, nec imperatorem. I cannot discover that this εἰδωλος or Deus Alburnus is mentioned by any other writer than Tertullian, nor do I find a reference to him in any dictionary accessible to me. And this is a point in favor of our doctrine, 48 Literally, “This has been done in behalf of (or for the sake of) our doctrine” (καὶ τοῦτο ὑπὲρ τοῦ ἡμῶν λόγου πεποίηται); but the freer translation given in the text better expresses the actual sense. The original Latin reads: facit et hoc ad causam nostram. that among you divine dignity is conferred by human decree. If a God does not please a man he is not made a God. Thus, according to this custom, it is necessary for man to be gracious to God.
6. Tiberius, therefore, under whom the name of Christ made its entry into the world, when this doctrine was reported to him from Palestine, where it first began, communicated with the Senate, making it clear to them that he was pleased with the doctrine. 49 This entire account bears all the marks of untruthfulness, and cannot for a moment be thought of as genuine. Tertullian was probably, as Neander suggests, deceived by falsified or interpolated documents from some Christian source. He cannot have secured his knowledge from original state records. The falsification took place, probably, long after the time of Tiberius. Tertullian is the first writer to mention these circumstances, and Tertullian was not by any means a critical historian. Compare Neander’s remarks in his Church History, Vol. I. p. 93 sqq. (Torrey’s Translation). But the Senate, since it had not itself proved the matter, rejected it. But Tiberius continued to hold his own opinion, and threatened death to the accusers of the Christians.” 50 Were this conduct of Tiberius a fact, Trajan’s rescript and all subsequent imperial action upon the subject would become inexplicable. Heavenly providence had wisely instilled this into his mind in order that the doctrine of the Gospel, unhindered at its beginning, might spread in all directions throughout the world.