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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 299
land. We think also of those countless fathers and mothers who passed on the
faith to their children, the steady ministry of the many priests who devoted
their lives to the care of souls, and the incalculable contribution made by so
many men and women religious, who not only taught generations of children
how to read and write, but also inspired in them a lifelong desire to know
God, to love him and to serve him. How many ''spiritual sacrifices pleasing to
God'' have been offered up in these two centuries! In this land of religious
liberty, Catholics found freedom not only to practice their faith, but also to
participate fully in civic life, bringing their deepest moral convictions to the
public square and cooperating with their neighbors in shaping a vibrant,
democratic society. Today's celebration is more than an occasion of gratitude
for graces received. It is also a summons to move forward with firm resolve to
use wisely the blessings of freedom, in order to build a future of hope for
coming generations.
''You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people he
claims for his own, to proclaim his glorious works''.10 These words of the
Apostle Peter do not simply remind us of the dignity which is ours by God's
grace; they also challenge us to an ever greater fidelity to the glorious in-
heritance which we have received in Christ.11 They challenge us to examine
our consciences, to purify our hearts, to renew our baptismal commitment to
reject Satan and all his empty promises. They challenge us to be a people of
joy, heralds of the unfailing hope 12 born of faith in God's word, and trust in
his promises.
Each day, throughout this land, you and so many of your neighbors pray
to the Father in the Lord's own words: ''Thy Kingdom come''. This prayer
needs to shape the mind and heart of every Christian in this nation. It needs
to bear fruit in the way you lead your lives and in the way you build up your
families and your communities. It needs to create new ''settings of hope'' 13
where God's Kingdom becomes present in all its saving power.
Praying fervently for the coming of the Kingdom also means being con-
stantly alert for the signs of its presence, and working for its growth in every
sector of society. It means facing the challenges of present and future with
10 1 Pet 2:9. 11 Cf. Eph 1:18. 12 Cf. Rom 5:5. 13 Cf. Spe Salvi, 32ff.