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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 349

was their constant companion, with whom they conversed at every step of

their journey for others.

There is another aspect of prayer which we need to remember: silent

contemplation. Saint John, for example, tells us that to embrace God's re-

velation we must first listen, then respond by proclaiming what we have

heard and seen.10 Have we perhaps lost something of the art of listening?

Do you leave space to hear God's whisper, calling you forth into goodness?

Friends, do not be afraid of silence or stillness, listen to God, adore him in the

Eucharist. Let his word shape your journey as an unfolding of holiness.

In the liturgy we find the whole Church at prayer. The word liturgy

means the participation of God's people in ''the work of Christ the Priest

and of His Body which is the Church''.11 What is that work? First of all it

refers to Christ's Passion, his Death and Resurrection, and his Ascension -

what we call the Paschal Mystery. It also refers to the celebration of the

liturgy itself. The two meanings are in fact inseparably linked because this

''work of Jesus'' is the real content of the liturgy. Through the liturgy, the

''work of Jesus'' is continually brought into contact with history; with our

lives in order to shape them. Here we catch another glimpse of the grandeur

of our Christian faith. Whenever you gather for Mass, when you go to Con-

fession, whenever you celebrate any of the sacraments, Jesus is at work.

Through the Holy Spirit, he draws you to himself, into his sacrificial love

of the Father which becomes love for all. We see then that the Church's

liturgy is a ministry of hope for humanity. Your faithful participation is

an active hope which helps to keep the world - saints and sinners alike -

open to God; this is the truly human hope we offer everyone.12

Your personal prayer, your times of silent contemplation, and your par-

ticipation in the Church's liturgy, bring you closer to God and also prepare

you to serve others. The saints accompanying us this evening show us that

the life of faith and hope is also a life of charity. Contemplating Jesus on the

Cross we see love in its most radical form. We can begin to imagine the path

of love along which we must move.13 The opportunities to make this journey

are abundant. Look about you with Christ's eyes, listen with his ears, feel and

10 Cf. 1 Jn 1:2-3; Dei Verbum, 1. 11 Sacrosanctum Concilium, 7. 12 Cf. Spe Salvi, 34. 13 Cf. Deus Caritas Est, 12.