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a clear and united witness on such matters. Even more important, though, is
the gradual opening of the minds and hearts of the wider community to
moral truth. Here much remains to be done. Crucial in this regard is the role
of the lay faithful to act as a ''leaven'' in society. Yet it cannot be assumed
that all Catholic citizens think in harmony with the Church's teaching on
today's key ethical questions. Once again, it falls to you to ensure that the
moral formation provided at every level of ecclesial life reflects the authentic
teaching of the Gospel of life.
In this regard, a matter of deep concern to us all is the state of the family
within society. Indeed, Cardinal George mentioned earlier that you have
included the strengthening of marriage and family life among the priorities
for your attention over the next few years. In this year's World Day of Peace
Message I spoke of the essential contribution that healthy family life makes
to peace within and between nations. In the family home we experience
''some of the fundamental elements of peace: justice and love between broth-
ers and sisters, the role of authority expressed by parents, loving concern for
the members who are weaker because of youth, sickness or old age, mutual
help in the necessities of life, readiness to accept others and, if necessary, to
forgive them''.12 The family is also the primary place for evangelization, for
passing on the faith, for helping young people to appreciate the importance of
religious practice and Sunday observance. How can we not be dismayed as we
observe the sharp decline of the family as a basic element of Church and
society? Divorce and infidelity have increased, and many young men and
women are choosing to postpone marriage or to forego it altogether. To some
young Catholics, the sacramental bond of marriage seems scarcely distin-
guishable from a civil bond, or even a purely informal and open-ended ar-
rangement to live with another person. Hence we have an alarming decrease
in the number of Catholic marriages in the United States together with an
increase in cohabitation, in which the Christ-like mutual self-giving of
spouses, sealed by a public promise to live out the demands of an indissoluble
lifelong commitment, is simply absent. In such circumstances, children are
denied the secure environment that they need in order truly to flourish as
human beings, and society is denied the stable building blocks which it
12 No. 3.