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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 313
ago, ''we must be confident that this time of trial will bring a purification of
the entire Catholic community'', leading to ''a holier priesthood, a holier
episcopate and a holier Church''.15 There are many signs that, during the
intervening period, such purification has indeed been taking place. Christ's
abiding presence in the midst of our suffering is gradually transforming our
darkness into light: all things are indeed being made new in Christ Jesus our
At this stage a vital part of your task is to strengthen relationships with
your clergy, especially in those cases where tension has arisen between priests
and their bishops in the wake of the crisis. It is important that you continue
to show them your concern, to support them, and to lead by example. In this
way you will surely help them to encounter the living God, and point them
towards the life-transforming hope of which the Gospel speaks. If you your-
selves live in a manner closely configured to Christ, the Good Shepherd, who
laid down his life for his sheep, you will inspire your brother priests to
rededicate themselves to the service of their flocks with Christ-like generos-
ity. Indeed a clearer focus upon the imitation of Christ in holiness of life is
exactly what is needed in order for us to move forward. We need to redis-
cover the joy of living a Christ-centred life, cultivating the virtues, and
immersing ourselves in prayer. When the faithful know that their pastor is
a man who prays and who dedicates his life to serving them, they respond
with warmth and affection which nourishes and sustains the life of the whole
Time spent in prayer is never wasted, however urgent the duties that
press upon us from every side. Adoration of Christ our Lord in the Blessed
Sacrament prolongs and intensifies the union with him that is established
through the Eucharistic celebration.16 Contemplation of the mysteries of the
Rosary releases all their saving power and it conforms, unites and consecrates
us to Jesus Christ.17 Fidelity to the Liturgy of the Hours ensures that the
whole of our day is sanctified and it continually reminds us of the need to
remain focused on doing God's work, however many pressures and distrac-
tions may arise from the task at hand. Thus our devotion helps us to speak
and act in persona Christi, to teach, govern and sanctify the faithful in the
15 Address to the Cardinals of the United States, 23 April 2002, 4. 16 Cf. Sacramentum Caritatis, 66. 17 Cf. Rosarium Virginis Mariae, 11, 15.