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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 329
men and women of goodwill, religious groups will exert a positive influence on
the wider culture, and inspire neighbors, co-workers and fellow citizens to
join in the task of strengthening the ties of solidarity. In the words of Pre-
sident Franklin Delano Roosevelt: ''no greater thing could come to our land
today than a revival of the spirit of faith''.
A concrete example of the contribution religious communities make to
civil society is faith-based schools. These institutions enrich children both
intellectually and spiritually. Led by their teachers to discover the divinely
bestowed dignity of each human being, young people learn to respect the
beliefs and practices of others, thus enhancing a nation's civic life.
What an enormous responsibility religious leaders have: to imbue society
with a profound awe and respect for human life and freedom; to ensure that
human dignity is recognized and cherished; to facilitate peace and justice; to
teach children what is right, good and reasonable!
There is a further point I wish to touch upon here. I have noticed a
growing interest among governments to sponsor programs intended to pro-
mote interreligious and intercultural dialogue. These are praiseworthy initia-
tives. At the same time, religious freedom, interreligious dialogue and faith-
based education aim at something more than a consensus regarding ways to
implement practical strategies for advancing peace. The broader purpose of
dialogue is to discover the truth. What is the origin and destiny of mankind?
What are good and evil? What awaits us at the end of our earthly existence?
Only by addressing these deeper questions can we build a solid basis for the
peace and security of the human family, for ''wherever and whenever men
and women are enlightened by the splendor of truth, they naturally set out
on the path of peace''.2
We are living in an age when these questions are too often marginalized.
Yet they can never be erased from the human heart. Throughout history,
men and women have striven to articulate their restlessness with this passing
world. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Psalms are full of such expres-
sions: ''My spirit is overwhelmed within me''; 3 ''why are you cast down, my
soul, why groan within me?''.4 The response is always one of faith: ''Hope in
2 Message for the 2006 World Day of Peace, 3. 3 Ps 143:4; cf. Ps 6:6; 31:10; 32:3; 38:8; 77:3. 4 Ps 42:5.