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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 351
the primacy with which the Gospel shapes Christian life and transforms
society. Today, I wish to draw your attention to the positive spiritual renew-
al which Congregations are undertaking in relation to their charism. The
word charism means a gift freely and graciously given. Charisms are be-
stowed by the Holy Spirit, who inspires founders and foundresses, and shapes
Congregations with a subsequent spiritual heritage. The wondrous array of
charisms proper to each Religious Institute is an extraordinary spiritual
treasury. Indeed, the history of the Church is perhaps most beautifully por-
trayed through the history of her schools of spirituality, most of which stem
from the saintly lives of founders and foundresses. Through the discovery of
charisms, which yield such a breadth of spiritual wisdom, I am sure that
some of you young people will be drawn to a life of apostolic or contemplative
service. Do not be shy to speak with Religious Brothers, Sisters or Priests
about the charism and spirituality of their Congregation. No perfect commu-
nity exists, but it is fidelity to a founding charism, not to particular indivi-
duals, that the Lord calls you to discern. Have courage! You too can make
your life a gift of self for the love of the Lord Jesus and, in him, of every
member of the human family.15
Friends, again I ask you, what about today? What are you seeking? What
is God whispering to you? The hope which never disappoints is Jesus Christ.
The saints show us the selfless love of his way. As disciples of Christ, their
extraordinary journeys unfolded within the community of hope, which is the
Church. It is from within the Church that you too will find the courage and
support to walk the way of the Lord. Nourished by personal prayer,
prompted in silence, shaped by the Church's liturgy you will discover the
particular vocation God has for you. Embrace it with joy. You are Christ's
disciples today. Shine his light upon this great city and beyond. Show the
world the reason for the hope that resonates within you. Tell others about the
truth that sets you free. With these sentiments of great hope in you I bid you
farewell, until we meet again in Sydney this July for World Youth Day! And
as a pledge of my love for you and your families, I gladly impart my Apos-
tolic Blessing.
Queridos Seminaristas, queridos jóvenes:
Es para mı́ una gran alegrı́a poder encontrarme con todos ustedes en el
transcurso de esta visita, durante la cual he festejado también mi cumplea-
ños. Gracias por su acogida y por el cariño que me han demostrado.
15 Cf. Vita Consecrata, 3.