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At the Passover Sèder you recall the holy patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, and the holy women of Israel, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachael and Leah, the
beginning of the long line of sons and daughters of the Covenant. With the
passing of time the Covenant assumes an ever more universal value, as the
promise made to Abraham takes form: ''I will bless you and make your name
great, so that you will be a blessing... All the communities of the earth shall
find blessing in you''.4 Indeed, according to the prophet Isaiah, the hope of
redemption extends to the whole of humanity: ''Many peoples will come and
say: 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God
of Jacob; that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his
paths'''.5 Within this eschatological horizon is offered a real prospect of uni-
versal brotherhood on the path of justice and peace, preparing the way of the
Christians and Jews share this hope; we are in fact, as the prophets say,
''prisoners of hope''.7 This bond permits us Christians to celebrate alongside
you, though in our own way, the Passover of Christ's death and resurrection,
which we see as inseparable from your own, for Jesus himself said: ''salvation
is from the Jews''.8 Our Easter and your Pesah, while distinct and different,
unite us in our common hope centered on God and his mercy. They urge us to
cooperate with each other and with all men and women of goodwill to make
this a better world for all as we await the fulfillment of God's promises.
With respect and friendship, I therefore ask the Jewish community to
accept my Pesah greeting in a spirit of openness to the real possibilities of
cooperation which we see before us as we contemplate the urgent needs of our
world, and as we look with compassion upon the sufferings of millions of our
brothers and sisters everywhere. Naturally, our shared hope for peace in the
world embraces the Middle East and the Holy Land in particular. May the
memory of God's mercies, which Jews and Christians celebrate at this festive
time, inspire all those responsible for the future of that region - where the
events surrounding God's revelation actually took place - to new efforts,
and especially to new attitudes and a new purification of hearts!
4 Genesis 12:2-3. 5 Isaiah 2:3. 6 Cf. Isaiah 62:10. 7 Zachariah 9:12. 8 John 4:22.