Chapter 8.—We Have No Memory of Our Creation.
And whosoever shall have attempted to fathom such knowledge may not improperly have addressed to him the words we have before quoted, “Seek not out the things that are too high for thee, neither search the things that are above thy strength.” Now it is not a question of mere altitude, such as is beyond our stature, but it is an elevation which our intelligence cannot reach, and a strength which our mental power cannot cope with. And yet it is neither the heaven of heavens, nor the measure of the stars, nor the scope of sea and land, nor the nethermost hell; it is our own selves that we are incapable of comprehending; it is our own selves, who, in our too great height and strength, transcend the humble limits of our own knowledge; it is our own selves, whom we are incapable of embracing, although we are certainly not beside ourselves. But we are not to be compared with cattle simply because we do not perfectly discover what we ourselves are: and yet you think that we deserve the humiliating comparison, if we have forgotten what we were, even though we knew it once. My soul is not now being derived from my parents, is not now receiving insufflation from God. Whichever of these two processes He used, He used when He created me; He is not at this moment using it of me, or within me. It is past and gone,—not a present thing, nor a recent one to me. I do not even know whether I was aware of it and then forgot it; or whether I was unable, even at the time when it was done, to feel and to know it.
8. Et quisquis fuerit conatus haec discere, non frustra ei dicitur, Altiora te ne quaesieris, et fortiora te ne scrutatus fueris. Neque enim altiora sunt quam potest nostra statura contingere, sed quam potest nostra conjectura comprehendere; et fortiora quam potest vis humani ingenii penetrare: et tamen non est coelum coeli, non dimensio siderum, non modus maris atque terrarum, non infernus inferior: nos sumus, qui nos comprehendere non valemus; nos modulum scientiae nostrae altiores fortioresque superamus; nos non possumus capere nos, et certe non sumus extra nos. Nec ideo comparandi pecoribus, quia id quod sumus non penitus invenimus: et comparandos nos pecoribus putas, si quod fuimus obliti sumus, si tamen id aliquando noveramus. Neque enim nunc anima mea trahitur ex parentibus, aut insufflatur a Deo: utrumlibet horum fecerit, tunc fecit quando me creavit; non etiam nunc de me, vel in me facit: actum illud atque transactum est, nec praesens mihi est, nec recens. Ne id quidem scio, utrum id scierim, oblitusque sim; an vero nec tunc quando factum est, id sentire ac nosse potuerim.