Chapter 10.—There are Three Things in Love, as It Were a Trace of the Trinity.
14. But what is love or charity, which divine Scripture so greatly praises and proclaims, except the love of good? But love is of some one that loves, and with love something is loved. Behold, then, there are three things: he that loves, and that which is loved, and love. What, then, is love, except a certain life which couples or seeks to couple together some two things, namely, him that loves, and that which is loved? And this is so even in outward and carnal loves. But that we may drink in something more pure and clear, let us tread down the flesh and ascend to the mind. What does the mind love in a friend except the mind? There, then, also are three things: he that loves, and that which is loved, and love. It remains to ascend also from hence, and to seek those things which are above, as far as is given to man. But here for a little while let our purpose rest, not that it may think itself to have found already what it seeks; but just as usually the place has first to be found where anything is to be sought, while the thing itself is not yet found, but we have only found already where to look for it; so let it suffice to have said thus much, that we may have, as it were, the hinge of some starting-point, whence to weave the rest of our discourse.
14. Tria quaedam in charitate, velut vestigium Trinitatis. Quid est autem dilectio vel charitas, quam tantopere Scriptura divina laudat et praedicat, nisi amor boni? Amor autem alicujus amantis est, et amore aliquid amatur. Ecce tria sunt; amans, et quod amatur, et amor. Quid est ergo amor, nisi quaedam vita duo aliqua copulans, vel copulare appetens, amantem scilicet, et quod amatur? Et hoc etiam in externis carnalibusque amoribus ita est: sed ut aliquid purius et liquidius hauriamus, calcata carne ascendamus ad animum. Quid amat animus in amico, nisi animum? Et illic igitur tria sunt: amans, et quod amatur, et amor. Restat etiam hinc ascendere, et superius ista quaerere, quantum homini datur. Sed hic paululum requiescat intentio, non ut se jam existimet invenisse quod quaerit, sed sicut solet inveniri locus, ubi quaerendum est aliquid; nondum illud inventum est, sed jam inventum est ubi quaeratur: ita hoc dixisse suffecerit, ut tanquam ab articulo alicujus exordii caetera contexamus.