Chapter 35.—Do Angels Appear to Men in Real Bodies?
It would, however, require too lengthy a discourse to enter very carefully on a discussion concerning this kind of corporeal semblances; whether angels even, either good ones or evil ones, appear in this manner,164 That is, as true apparitions indeed, but not as real bodies. whenever they appear in the likeness of human beings or of any bodies whatever; or whether they possess real bodies, and show themselves in this veritable state of corporeity; or, again, whether by persons when dreaming, indeed, or in a trance they are perceived in these forms—not in bodies, but in the likeness of bodies—while to persons when awake they present real bodies which can be seen, and, if necessary, actually touched. Such questions as these, however, I do not deem it at all requisite to investigate and fully treat in this book. By this time enough has been advanced respecting the soul’s incorporeity. If you would rather persist in your opinion that it is corporeal, you must first of all define what “body” means; lest, peradventure, it may turn out that we are agreed about the thing itself, but labouring to no purpose about its name. The absurd conclusions, however, to which you would be reduced if you thought of such a body in the soul, as are those substances which are called “bodies” by all learned men,—I mean such as occupy portions of space, smaller ones for their smaller parts, and larger ones for their larger,—by means of the different relations of length and breadth and thickness, I venture to think you are by this time able intelligently to observe.
35. Prolixioris autem sermonis est, de isto genere similitudinum corporalium diligentissima disputatio, utrum et Angeli, seu boni, seu mali sic appareant, quando specie hominum, vel quorumlibet corporum apparent; an habeant aliqua vera corpora, et in ipsorum potius veritate videantur: an vero in somnis vel in ecstasi, in istis cernantur, non corporibus, sed similitudinibus corporum; vigilantibus autem vera cernenda, et si opus est, etiam tangenda ingerant corpora. Sed ista in hoc libro requirenda et pertractanda esse non arbitror. Nunc de anima incorporea satis dictum sit: quam sit corpoream mavis credere, prius tibi definiendum est quid sit corpus; ne forte cum de re ipsa inter nos constet, incassum de nomine laboremus. Quanta te tamen absurda secuta sint tale corpus in anima cogitantem, qualia sunt quae ab omnibus eruditis corpora nuncupantur, id est, quae per distantiam longitudinis, latitudinis, altitudinis, locorum occupant spatia, minora minoribus suis partibus, et majora majoribus, puto quod jam prudenter advertas.