LETTER I. [A.D.379]
IN this letter S. Ambrose replies to the preceding. He apologises for not coming at once to Gratian, and, after praising his humility and faith, promises to come before long, and meanwhile sends him the two books (duos libellos) of the Treatise De Fide, which he had before composed at Gratian's request, begging for time to write on the subject of the Holy Spirit.
1. IT was not lack of affection, most Christian Prince, (for I can give you no title more true or more illustrious than this,) it was not, I repeat, lack of affection, but modesty which put a restraint upon that affection, and hindered my coming to meet your Grace. But if I did not meet you on your return in person, I did so in spirit, and with my prayers, wherein the duties of a priest more especially lie. Meet, did I say ? Nay, when was I absent? I who followed you with an entire affection, who clung to you in thought and heart; and surely it is by our souls that we are present to one other most intimately. I studied your route day by day; transported by my solicitude to your camp by night and day, I shielded it with my watchful prayers, prayers, if not of prevailing merit, yet of unremitting affection.
2. And in offering these for your safety we benefited ourselves. This I say without flattery, which you require not, and I deem unbefitting my office, but with the greatest regard to the favour you have shewn me. Our Judge Himself, Whom you acknowledge and in Whom you devoutly believe, knoweth that my heart is refreshed by your faith, your safety, your glory, and that not only my public duty but my personal affection leads me to offer these prayers. For you have restored to me quiet in the Church, you have stopped the mouths (would that you had stopped the hearts) of the traitors, and this you have done not less by the authority of your faith than of your power.
3. What shall I say of your late letter? the whole is written with your own hand, so that the very characters tell of your faith and devotion. Thus Abraham of old, when ministering entertainment to his guests, slew a calf with his own hand, and had not, in this sacred service, the assistance of others. But he, a private man, ministered to the Lord and His Angels, or to the Lord in His Angels, you, the Emperor, honour with your royal condescension the lowest of Bishops. And yet the Lord is served when His minister is honoured; for He hath said, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto Me. 01-4 4. S. Matt. xxv. 40.
4. But is it only this lofty humility which I praise in the Emperor, and not rather that faith, which you have rightly expressed with a rnind conscious of your desert, or which He Whom you deny not hath taught you? For who but He could have taught you not to cavil at that created nature in Him which you see in yourself? Nothing could have been said more pious or more accurate; for to call Christ a creature savours of a contemptuous cavil, not of a reverent confession. Again, what could be more unworthy, than to suppose Him to be like as we ourselves are? Thus you have instructed me, from whom you profess your wish to learn, for I never read nor heard anything better.
5. Again, how pious, how admirable that expression, that you fear no jealousy in God! From the Father you anticipate a recompense for your love of the Son, yet you acknowledge that your praise of the Son can add nothing to Him, only you wish by praising the Son to commend yourself to the Father also. This He alone hath taught you, Who hath said, He that loveth Me, shall be loved of My Father. 01-5 5. S. John xiv. 21.
6. You go on to say that you, weak and frail as you are, do not suppose yourself such an eulogist as that you can exalt His divinity by your words, but that you preach Him according to your power, not according to His Majesty. This weakness is mighty in Christ, as the Apostle has said, When I am weak, then I am strong. This humility excludes frailty.
7. Certainly I will come, and that speedily, as you command, that I may be present with you and hear and read these things, as they are newly spoken by you. But I have sent two small volumes, for which, approved as they have been by your grace, I shall have no fears; I must plead for time to write on the Spirit, knowing as I do what a judge I shall have of my treatise.
8. Meanwhile however your sentiments and belief concerning our Lord and Saviour, transferred from the Son, form an abundant assertion to express our faith in the everlasting Godhead of the Holy Spirit, in that you cavil not at that created nature in Him which you find in yourself, and suppose not that God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, can be jealous of His own Spirit. For that which is separated from communion with the creature is divine.
9. If the Lord will, I will in this also comply with your Majesty's wishes; that as you have received the grace of the Holy Spirit, so also you may know that He, holding so high a place in the Divine glory, has in His own Name a right to our veneration.
10. May Almighty God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, vouchsafe, my Lord the Emperor, chosen by Divine providence, most glorious Sovereign, may He vouchsafe to keep your majesty in all happiness and prosperity to an advanced age, and establish your kingdom in perfect glory and in perpetual peace.
AMBROSIUS apud Caesarem se, quod non venerit, excusat, et laudata ipsius humilitate, fide ac pietate, a se mitti libros petitos scribit, seque voluntati ejusdem in lucubrandis tractatibus de Spiritu sancto satisfacturum spondet.
Beatissimo augusto GRATIANO, et christianissimo principi AMBROSIUS episcopus.
1. Non mihi affectus defuit, christianissime principum; nihil enim habeo, quod hoc verius et gloriosius 0877A dicam: non, inquam, mihi affectus defuit, sed affectum verecundia retardavit, quominus clementiae tuae occurrerem. Revertenti tamen si non occurri vestigio, occurri animo, occurri voto, in quo majora sunt officia sacerdotis. Occurri, dico? Quando enim abfui, quem toto sequebar affectu, cui sensu ac mentibus inhaerebam? Et certe major animorum praesentia est. Tuum quotidianum iter legebam, nocte ac die in tuis castris cura et sensu locatus, orationum excubiis praetendebam: et si invalidus merito, sed affectu sedulus.
753 2. Et haec quidem cum pro tua salute deferebamus, pro nobis faciebamus. Nihil hic adulationis est, quam tu non requiris, ego alienam nostro duco officio: sed plurimum gratiae, quam dedisti. Scit ipse nostri arbiter, quem fateris, et in quem 0877B pie credis, refici viscera mea tua fide, tua salute, tua gloria: meque non solum officio publico debitas pendere preces, sed etiam amore privato. Reddidisti enim mihi quietem Ecclesiae, perfidorum ora, atque utinam et corda, clausisti: et hoc non minore fidei, quam potestatis auctoritate fecisti.
3. Nam quid de litteris recentibus loquar? Scripsisti tua totam epistolam manu; ut ipsi apices fidem tuam pietatemque loquerentur. Sic Abraham sua manu quondam vitulum occidit (Gen. XVIII, 7), ut hospitibus epulantibus ministraret: nec in ministerio religioso aliorum adjumenta quaesivit. Sed ille privatus aut Domino et angelis, aut Domino in angelis deferebat: tu, Imperator, dignatione regali honoras infimum sacerdotem. Sed Domino defertur, cum servulus honoratur; ipse enim dixit: Quod uni horum minimorum fecistis, mihi fecistis (Matth. XXV, 10).
4. At ego humilitatem tantummodo praedico in imperatore sublimem, ac non amplius fidem quam vere conscia meriti tui mente dixisti, quam docet 0877C te ille, quem non negas? Quis enim alius docere te 0878A potuit, ut ei non objicias, quam in te vides, creaturam? Nihil moralius, nihil expressius dici potuit; creaturam enim Christum dicere, pro objectu contumeliae est, non pro confessione reverentiae. Deinde quid tam insolens, quam id eum existimare, quod nos sumus? Docuisti igitur me, a quo te discere velle profiteris: nihil tale adhuc legi, nihil tale audivi.
5. Quam pium autem illud, quam admirabile, quod in Deo non vereris invidiam! De Patre remunerationem pro Filii amore praesumis, et laudando Filium, non ei te posse aliquid addere profiteris: sed velle ut etiam Patri te Filii praedicatione commendes. Quod utique solus te docuit ille, qui dixit: Qui me diligit, diligetur a Patre meo (Joan. XIV, 21).
6. Addidisti ad haec, quia tu infirmus et fragilis 0878B non te talem laudatorem putabas, ut divinitatem verbis augeas: sed quantum possis praedices, 754 non quantum est ipsa divinitas. Haec infirmitas in Christo fortior est, sicut et Apostolus dixit: Cum infirmor, tunc potens sum (II Cor. XII, 10). Haec humilitas excludit fragilitatem.
7. Veniam plane, et festinabo, ut jubes; ut haec praesens audiam, ut haec praesens legam, cum ex tuo ore procedunt. Misi autem duos libellos, quorum jam, quia tuae clementiae sunt probati, periculum non verebor: de Spiritu vero interim veniam scriptioni peto; quoniam quem judicem mei sim sermonis habiturus, agnovi.
8. Interim tamen sententia et fides tua de Domino et Salvatore deprompta de Dei Filio, redundat ad assertionem uberrimam, per quam sancti quoque Spiritus divinitas sempiterna credatur; ut non ei objicias, quam in te vides creaturam, nec Deum Patrem Domini nostri Jesu Christi Spiritui suo existimes invidere. Quod enim creaturae caret communione, 0878C divinum est.
0879A 9. Si Dominus faverit, huic etiam clementiae tuae satisfaciam voluntati; ut cujus accepisti gratiam, eum plane in Dei gloria praeeminentem suo nomine aestimes honorandum.
10. Beatissimum te et florentissimum Deus omnipotens Pater Domini nostri Jesu Christi tueri aetate prolixa, et regnum tuum in summa gloria, et pace perpetua confirmare dignetur, domine Imperator auguste, divino electe judicio, principum gloriosissime.