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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 537
they need to become ever more conscious of the grace of their Baptism and
the dignity which is theirs as sons and daughters of God the Father, sharers
in the death and resurrection of Jesus his Son, and anointed by the Holy
Spirit as members of Christ's mystical Body which is the Church. In union of
mind and heart with their Pastors, and accompanied at every step of their
journey of faith by a sound spiritual and catechetical formation, they need
to be encouraged to cooperate actively not only in building up their local
Christian communities but also in making new pathways for the Gospel in
every sector of society. Vast horizons of mission are now opening up before
the lay men and women of Asia in their efforts to bear witness to the truth of
the Gospel; I think especially of the opportunities offered by their example
of Christian married love and family life, their defense of God's gift of life
from conception to natural death, their loving concern for the poor and the
oppressed, their willingness to forgive their enemies and persecutors, their
example of justice, truthfulness and solidarity in the workplace, and their
presence in public life.
The increasing numbers of committed, trained and enthusiastic lay per-
sons is thus a sign of immense hope for the future of the Church in Asia. Here
I wish to single out with gratitude the outstanding work of the many cate-
chists who bring the riches of the Catholic faith to young and old alike,
drawing individuals, families and parish communities to an ever deeper en-
counter with the Risen Lord. The apostolic and charismatic movements are
also a special gift of the Spirit, since they bring new life and vigor to the
formation of the laity, particularly families and young people. The associa-
tions and ecclesial movements devoted to the promotion of human dignity
and justice concretely demonstrate the universality of the Gospel message of
our adoption as children of God. Along with the many individuals and groups
committed to prayer and works of charity, as well as the contribution made
by pastoral and parish councils, these groups play an important role in
helping the particular Churches of Asia to be built up in faith and love,
strengthened in communion with the universal Church and renewed in zeal
for the spread of the Gospel.
For this reason, I pray that the present Congress will highlight the indis-
pensable role of the lay faithful in the Church's mission and develop specific
programs and initiatives to assist them in their task of proclaiming Jesus
Christ in Asia today. I am confident that the deliberations of the Congress
will stress that the Christian life and calling must be seen first and foremost