2. Franciscus López-Gasco Fernández-Largo, presbyter. Natus est die IV
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deque futuris usibus concretis, qui oriri forsan possunt in therapeutica arte,
generale quod prohibet quin therapeuticus interventus fiat antequam certo
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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 835
Mission of the Church" - will enable many of the specific issues of our theo-
logical dialogue to find their proper context and resolution.
Surely the growth in understanding, respect and cooperation which has
emerged from ecumenical dialogue promises much for the proclamation of the
Gospel in our time. Throughout the world Armenians live side by side with
the faithful of the Catholic Church. An increased understanding and appre-
ciation of the apostolic tradition which we share will contribute to an ever
more effective common witness to the spiritual and moral values without
which a truly just and humane social order cannot exist. For this reason, I
trust that new and practical means will be found to give expression to the
common declarations we have already signed.
Your Holiness, I cannot fail to assure you of my daily prayers and deep
concern for the people of Lebanon and the Middle East. How can we not be
grieved by the tensions and conflicts which continue to frustrate all efforts to
foster reconciliation and peace at every level of civil and political life in the
region? Most recently we have all been saddened by the escalation of perse-
cution and violence against Christians in parts of the Middle East and else-
where. Only when the countries involved can determine their own destiny,
and the various ethnic groups and religious communities accept and respect
each other fully, will peace be built on the solid foundations of solidarity,
justice and respect for the legitimate rights of individuals and peoples.
With these sentiments and with affection in the Lord, I thank Your
Holiness for your visit, and I express my hope that these days spent in Rome
will be a source of many graces for you and for all those entrusted to your
pastoral care. Upon you and all the faithful of the Armenian Apostolic
Church I invoke an abundance of joy and peace in the Lord.